Translate   9 years ago

Our wishes Prologue: Unedited chapter. Enjoy! Every morning eighteen year old, Dakota would sit there, in her bed looking out a window. She would wish, hope and pray for love, but it never came. Every night she would do the same, only harder. Days would turn to weeks, weeks to months. Dakota never gave up, she always pushed harder for her love, but it still never came... Until now... Edward was a happy, #life-loving man. He was hardworking and never gave up, but he also didn't have love. He didn't look out a window, no, he looked around bars hoping for the 'one' to come. She never came, they were always people who only wanted sex, but Edward wanted something real. His heart had been broken to many times... He was lonely, until now... Chapter one: Dakota. I bustled around the kitchen, loneliness surrounding me. As the kettle boiled, the toast popped. I quickly buttered it and spread strawberry jam onto it. I knew that I was surly going to be late... 'But... Who cares! Of course, I did.' I sighed to myself and ate my toast, glancing out the window to my right. It was habit I had, usually I only did it in bed, but today was different... Very different. It was not that fresh snow sat in layers, it was... I couldn't describe it, but I had a feeling. A good feeling. As I made my way to work, I had the same feeling. I shook my head and continued to walk, slipping in my heels with each step. 'Shouldn't have worn heels!' I grumbled to myself, once again slipping. This time I lost my balance and fell... Into the arms of a stranger, a man whose name I knew. "Lucas?!" I almost yelled as he devilishly smiled. --------------------------------------------------- Whose Lucas? Why is he here? What's his background with Dakota? Find out in the next chapter!

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