Battle Scars Chapter 1 As I left the washroom, all I saw were all the faces of the ones that had hatred for me. No body understood me, nor liked me. I was the only "freak". Goth/Emo in my school. The only one that supposedly listened to "Devils" music (rock). I did not belong at that school. As I walked, I didn't notice that there was a wire across the hallway, therefor I tripped and dropped all of my books. People laughed as they walked to their classes. Suddenly, a random guy I didn't recognize came rushing over too me. He looked in concern, and got down to my level. "Are you alright? Here-" He said as he helped me with my books. I nodded. "Y-yes. T-thank you." I said my voice shaking. "Hi, I'm Andy. Andy Black. I'm actually new here. Can you tell me where math class is?" "T-that's actually my next class. Follow me." He smiled as he followed. One thing I had noticed was his amazing, brilliant blue eyes, which I was a sucker for.

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