Trapped (Chapter Four) The guy that stood in the door way took a blade from his belt and threw it straight at me. It soared gracefully over my head and into the man behind me. He made a strangled noise, and while his grip on me loosened, I ripped myself away from him completely, turned and pushed him backwards. The man then fell to the ground with a loud thud. The guy behind me took my hand and we started running out of the room. We zig down one corridor, and zag down another until; finally, we burst through the building door. It feels like we’ve been running for hours, and when we finally stop I gasp for breath. Once I can breathe properly, I get a good look at my new surroundings. This man has taken me to a forest edge where we’re miles and miles away from the man in black. “Are you alright? What did they do to you?” asked the guy behind me. His voice was as sweet as honey and as smooth as calm ocean waters, which melted all of my fears and worries away. It was like all of this weight had been lifted off of my shoulders, of my family being killed before me and how I knew I had nobody left. I felt safe. “I’m sorry, but are you too shaken to talk?” he asked again with his angel voice. “No, I’m not. I’m not alright. Why did that horrible man in black kill my family and kidnap me? Who is he and who are you? I always draw you and always see you in my dreams. Why? How did you find me? How did you know where I was? What’s going on?” All of these questions started flowing out of my mouth like fast flowing water. My voice kept cracking, tears started flowing down my face and I sunk to the forest ground to huddle up and cry. The man slowly walked towards me, probably didn’t want to scare me anymore than I already was, sat down, and put his arms around me. I leaned into him and cried as he explained everything. “My name is Ian and I work for a secret company that’s called the Children’s Protection Program, CPP for short. Your parents called the organization to protect you because they knew that you were special and that people wanted you. I am your protector, so I follow you where ever you go. I couldn’t get to you in time to protect you or your family, for that I will always regret. The only reason I knew where you were was because of the tracking chip that’s installed in your heart locket that matches your Mothers. You saw me in your dreams and drew pictures of me because you have the gift of seeing visions.” He finishes with a big breath. “Not to sound ungrateful or anything,” I sniffed, “but you didn’t tell me who the man in black is and why he wants me”. “Claire, you have special powers and abilities that you don’t know about, or how to use or control just yet. The man in black wants you because he knows what you’re capable of and that you’re very, very powerful. But the only way he could get to you was to kill the people closest to you – your family. It is his belief that if you suffered an agonizing loss that your powers would come out sooner and be stronger. He believed this because the same thing happened to him when he was your age. Claire, this man is your real father.”
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