My Prayer I want myself back, I want back who I was, I want back the job I worked daily just because, I want back the feelings before I ever caught a buzz, and the vocabulary before I ever chose to cuss, I want back the highs, I'll give back the lows, and return the knowledge that I didn't need to know, and take back the actions that I didn't mean to show, and hold on to the things that I shouldn't have let go, I want back the peace, stabled minded and content, and the satisfaction no matter where I went, writing off the hatred as soon as it was sent, never paying it any mind or getting my mind bent, I want back the laughter, smiling caused by me, I was just trying to help and maybe let them see, the positive side of #life, never looking at it deep, but instead enjoying the ride and grateful for the scenes, I want back the hope, I need back my dreams, that I gave up on somewhere in between, popping my first top and smoking my first green, and seeing blue lights with the cuffs placed on me, I want back my friend, my very first friend, like a big brother he made me feel like kin, I see his good deeds that I didn't notice then, and how he tried to guide me from the trouble I got in, I want not to want, it's something I didn't do, no matter the situations or the problems I went through, or the bad memories I didn't pick and choose, it wasn't a competition there was no win or lose, BUT MOSTLY WHAT I NEED, IS JESUS'S LOVE AGAIN, PUTTING URGENCY IN THIS PRAYER AS I OPENLY REPENT, I'M TRUTHFULLY SCARED TO DEATH, IN DESPERATE NEED OF MERCY, PRAYING FOR HIS GUIDANCE EVEN THOUGH THAT I'M NOT WORTHY. Steven Alex Ivester