Traduire   10 années depuis

Hunted Chapter 1 A bad History It's tiring having to run for your #life. I should know I've been doing it half my #life. Running from one place to another, afraid to settle down anywhere. Anyway, enough of the stupid sob stories. I' can call me Scarlet. It's not my real name but to be honest I don't know what is, all I know is my initials M.G. Don't bother asking what my name is because to be honest I have no idea what it is. I only know my initials M.G. Not a clue what it stands for my parents were both killed on my fourth birthday. I don't remember how they were killed only that whatever did it was not a man but beast with glowing red eyes. Me and my older sister were the only ones,who survived. That was over 10 years ago but I am still running, still hiding. The beast,who took my family know's me and my sister survived and has been hunting us ever since. My sister Shadow her name was, disappeared at the age of 16 a year after the killing. She is most Likely dead and I'm next.

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