Vertalen   10 jaren geleden

Wise Man's Tale It is hard to create #life. Everybody knows that, even though, that some doesn't know how it is made. I, for one, do know how it's created. Heck, I even tried creating a #life once, but the child was born dead. That's what made me realise, that #life can be taken away, even easier than it can be created. Nowadays, people only need a few guns and some hours to kill, say, seven-teen persons, but it can take many months to create #life. #life can also only be created a limited number of times, while you can kill an unlimited number of times. Well, at least until there's nothing left to kill. Oh, and don't misunder-stand me, when I say that the child was born dead. Many, will probably think that I were the one giving birth, but that's not how it went. In fact, the person that gave birth, died together with her child. I was the only one left back, from that little family, that never happened. What I'm really trying to say is probably, that #life is a fragile thing, which can easily be crushed under the heavy weight of death. It takes more time for some #life, to get crushed, than other, but does that really matter? What matters is, that we matter, and that we should value not only our #life, but also other. It's saddening to see, that there is many people who doesn't realise it, and because of that wind up doing some bad things. Terrorism, for example. There's no real meaning to it all, though, if nobody chooses to see it. That's how it always has worked, and that's how it's going to continue working. Many will realise this eventually, and many already have, but there will always be somebody that doesn't. Some people might even lose hope, and, at the end of the day, become a completely different per-son. It's actually quite ironic, how I'm the one saying this. After all, I lost all hope myself, at one point. But I regained it, when I realised, that there is no reason to lose hope and happiness, when you can choose to live with it. And I know, that there are a lot of people in the world right now, which are crying over a loss of some-body. Somebody, that they will never get to see in the flesh again. But I'll ask of those people, to try to be a little happy anyways. After all, I don't think that the person you're crying over, would be happy if they knew that you were unhappy. So please world, hear my plea! I wish for a better today, as well as a better tomorrow, and that will only come, if we all try to make it so. It will take time, but it can happen eventually, if everybody cooperates. So, now that I've spoken my mind, I would like you all to think about speaking yours. If you don't, you might never get your version of a better tomor-row. So goodbye everybody. And good luck.

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