Translate   9 years ago

DOUBLE-SIDED TRAILER (need help extending it please in the middle) 10 January, 2015 INT. A BLACK SCREEN AUTUMN (V.O) Everyone has their secrets. INT. BEDROOM – DARK ROOM Close-up on Autumn’s eyes, wide with fear and worry. Heavy breathing can be heard from Autumn. Camera zooms out so that her full face is visible, fear is clearly seen on her face (still at a close-up shot). AUTUMN (V.O) And their fears. Medium shot as Autumn is shown looking behind at the door, she turns back quickly when there is a creak of a floorboard and footsteps coming towards the room, over shoulder shot revealing a shadow from under the bedroom door. Heavy breathing suddenly stops. Fade to black. EXT. PARK – CLOUDY DAY Medium shot (from behind) showing Autumn wearing a backpack while walking along a path surrounded by trees and greenery. She is alone. She sits on swings in an empty park and gets out a notebook from her rucksack, she begins to write in it, the more she writes, the more she smiles. Long shot used to show the empty park before the camera focuses on Autumn on the swings. Cut to an over shoulder shot so that it is clear what she is writing. AUTUMN (WRITING IN NOTEBOOK) I live my #life in fear. But one day he won’t have a hold over me, and my silence will be broken. No more secrets. Flash to black. INT. A BLACK SCREEN Title card reads: All secrets, revealed. INT. BEDROOM – DAY/EVENING Over shoulder shot of Autumn packing her belongings in a backpack. She is packing quickly including her notebook. Looks around panicking, heavy breathing while rushing to pack everything. Camera inside bag to picture it being zipped up to black out. EXT. PATH TOWARDS WOODS – DAY/EVENING Close up shot (in first person) with camera showing feet walking before beginning to walk faster into a run. Long shot of Autumn going into the woods to hide. AUTUMN (V.O) Fear is not the actions I am willing to take, but the consequences of those actions. A distant angry voice, a male’s voice can be heard in the background the words cannot be identified as it is muffled under the sound of Autumn panting. EXT. HOUSE - EVENING Long shot of Autumn returning to the house with a tight grip on her rucksack. Opens door. INT. INSIDE HOUSE Autumn walks upstairs to bedroom, side angle long shot of her hurrying up the stairs. Medium shot as camera follows her to bedroom door and door is then shut in front of camera. Autumn’s head is down looking at the floor. Phone rings - it is clear a man (Autumn’s father) picks it up; the conversation is distant and muffled. INT. IN BEDROOM Clip goes back to same shot as the beginning - where Autumn is hidden in the room - however we now see her get into her hiding place. As heavy breathing gets louder clips cut quickly to black, a flash of Autumn’s eyes with the reflection of the notebook in. Cuts back to black before camera pans to a medium shot when Autumn is staring at something, and then the camera pans to see the notebook hidden. Again it cuts to black with only the sound of heavy breathing before then silence and the sound of a door open.

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