It's time to take the stage For the act of the age! The strings are set and bowing As the winds are hard at blowing! The mallets pound the chimes With the snare drums keeping time! The conductor bows and turns For an ensemble that deeply yearns! Miraculous sounds steal the stage, The notes! They really jump off the page! Orchestral sounds so lively and vivid, The sheer iridescence shall leave one livid. O! The aches! The horror! The sobs! As the dissonance makes your heart throb! You cringe at every piercing chord, Until they resolve into their heavenly hordes! The fanfaren finale finally takes flight! As the brass aggressively plays soaring and bright! The strings saw their finally racing runs, 'Til alas! The heartbreak of a phenomenon finally done.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère