Traducciones   10 años

A Bet Worthy Socrates A member of MENSA happened by coincidence get the seat next to a blonde on the plane home from a meeting. This man became utterly bored, and decided to play a game with the blonde next to him. "My lady, we take turns asking questions to each of us. For every question that I ask you that you cannot answer, you give me 5 dollar. For every question you ask me that I cannot answer, I give you 50 dollar. Is it a deal?" The blonde, who realised that it was a good deal, agreed. "I go first", the MENSA-member declared. "What year was Beethoven born?" Without much hesitation or even a word, the blonde gave the member 5 dollar. She then asked her question: "What is invisible, and flies, but cannot walk, and swims, but cannot breathe?" The Mensa-member thought for almost thirty minutes, and couldn't figure it out what so ever. He then gave up, and gave the blonde 50 dollar. "But, what was the answer to your riddle?" The blonde then gave the man another 5 dollars.

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