Translate   9 years ago

Regenesis You challenged me with an epsilon and I could not think of a delta. This place is filled with impossibilities, although I'd never felt it until now, until your problem sets and take-home tests left me frozen. Until I waited in dark corridors for your help, my hope all but broken. I used to see this place through a kaleidoscopic lens. I thought of my future dreams, my future job, my current friends. But my friends have left me behind, in this bright room undermined by the darkness of a chalkboard which sucks me in and leaves me confined in a solitary place, where my dreams are not my own. I search for a way out, thinking not of my peak, but of my home. I can't return to either, now, those places are from times past. All I know is the derivative's bounded, so I'll have to make do with that. And finally it comes to me in the form of epsilon over three. A new door opens, not to where I wanted, but still it sets me free. I'm glad I got to leave that chalkboard, I didn't have to make it my home. The door was there the entire time, if only I had known that pushing too far is a sign of strength, to take on more than enough, and failure is not a sign of weakness, despite others' rebuffs. These days, I'll take my broken dreams and turn them into poetry-- let them slide away as new ones form, like dead leaves from a thriving tree.

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