Traducciones   10 años

The Age Of Aquarius It is movement, color, swirling of nature and love and limbs all melding together and it is beautiful. Can you imagine? The world melting beneath you as you lay in the grass, everything soft and full of #life, feel the swish of slippery hair dripping down your back and rough, gentle fingers on your skin. Stand hand in hand around a fire with me, sing until your throat aches and and let it echo through your soul, smell the rich, wet dirt that you stand upon and the coarse, fluid smoke that curls through your hair, around your legs and through your fingers. Feel the earth resonate under the pound of hundreds of marching feet attached to hundreds of young bodies all amber, chestnut, honey, ebony and ivory, alive and lovely with arms raised and hands swishing, clothing flowing like silk in the wind, an unstoppable, immortal wave. Give in to the wave, let it sweep you off your feet and deep out into a warm salty sea. Float along on a driftwood, legs and arms cascaded into the water and slowly dissipating to nothing. Allow the the shy, colorful fishes to explore you, nuzzle you with their slippery noses and nip playfully at your fingers and toes. Smile as the jellyfish injects you with its poison and watch the sky melt away, rippling and churning like the ocean. Sleep in the day as the warmth of the sun kisses your cheeks and thighs and breasts and the sea gently caresses your face. Awaken at night and stare into the heavens, wondering what the stars have in store for you and discussing the cosmos with snaggle-toothed sharks and gentle whales. Hear the angry curses of those on shore, screaming at you to return to the safety of land. Stuff your ears full of seaweed because you are in love with Aquarius and you are becoming are are one with the sea. It is also unspeakable sadness, drowned in the tears of the voiceless and the silent, it is smoldering, poisonous anger, stuffed into the back of our minds and hidden under half-lidded eyes. Fury and heartbreak growing like a weed as you are forced to listen as the news boasts the destruction of your sisters, the induction of your brothers to massacre for a government that doesn't care, the destruction of a world that is not ours to control, and the disregard for the alive and beautiful. Feel the ice-cold fear burn through your veins as the waves grow choppy and dark but your legs and arms are frozen in place, caught up in the thrall and long since unused. Stare wide-eyed and helpless and the fish grow bolder, biting at your exposed belly and taking bits of you away with them, cell by cell. Grimace as the jellyfish floats towards you and gurgles sweet nothings in your ear as it stings you again and again and again. Sleep by day, fill your eyelids full of nightmares, awaken and stare up at the sun for reassurance but find nothing but grey clouds, choke on the black water as it cascades over you and tries to slip down your throat and into your lungs. At night stare up at what is left of the stars, now blotted out by smog and six billion people with six billion lights all directed up at the heavens and wonder if this is what the stars meant for you. Hear the desperate voices of the people you once knew, huddled on shore, pleading with you to try to stay afloat. Allow yourself to sink beneath the stormy waves because you are in love with Aquarius and you are now one with the sea.

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