Souls And The Bloodline **Chap 3** Adrian led them through the trees, he seemed to be in some kind of hurry. He kept looking behind him, to the side, and in the front. Maple watched his every move curiously. Sara walked beside him, if she noticed her partner's behaviour, she did not show signs of knowing. They halted at a pond, which was surprisingly quite clean. Adrian crouched down and touched the water lightly, causing it to ripple under his touch. "Yeah... Lets go." He stood up again, dusted his pants and stepped aside. Sara smiled slightly then dived into the pond. Maple's eyes widened in surprise, she expected her to come floating up but she never did. Adrian nodded his head at her, telling her to jump. Taking a deep breath, Maple dived in. What surprised her was the fact that instead of touching dirt underwater, she crash landed face-first onto a floor. She groaned and rubbed her cheek as she got up, looking around. The room was circular, it kinda resembled a court room except all around, there were thrones with different styles of weird spiralling text that glowed dimly. The floors and walls were made of gold. There was one banner near the first throne, it was blue and was ripped by a claw mark. "What is this place?" Maple muttered. "We'll tell you about that later," Adrian turned his back and faced a door, "Drake!" Slow, footsteps were heard echoing and bouncing through the walls like a pin pong ball. Maple turned to face the most intimidating man she had ever seen. This Drake guy wore his black hair back, he wore a blue suit and tie, he was a bit tall, skinny as a pencil. There was a ring on his finger but Maple wasn't sure if he was married. His face was set in quite a bored expression. His thin lips in a line, he did not crack a smile at all. His dark eyes bored into Maple as if he were searching for something. Then, he narrowed his eyes and held out his hand. Maple shook it but ripped her hand away from Drake's. It was stone cold. His lip momentarily curled upwards like he was going to smile. "Maple, this is Drake. Drake, this is our daughter." Sara laughed nervously. Maple growled at the word 'daughter' but said nothing. Drake's eyes turned to Adrian. The way he looked at him, it was more like to look at him, he rolled eyes eyes a bit but Maple wasn't sure they caught that. "Does she know?" He asked calmly. His voice was deep. Maple saw Adrian wipe sweat off his brow. "No," Drake raised an eyebrow, then the most wicked smile spread across his face, he started to laugh, this creepy, wheezing laugh that quickly turned into full on hysterical laughter. Maple couldn't suppress a shudder. Once he was done, Drake composed himself. There was no evidence of his enjoyment on his face. How did he do that? Maple watched him closely, can the guy somehow control emotions that usually just come out and you can't control it? "We should tell her, no?" Drake placed his hands behind his back and tilted his head. "We should." Sara mumbled nervously. Was there something about this guy that scared them shitless or what? Drake's bored face turned to her. She willed her face not to show any type of emotion but that was quite harder than she imagined. There it was again. That calculating look like he was reading her like an open book. "Do you know what you are?" She shook her head. "Do you perhaps know this place?" She shook her head. Drake smiled mockingly but as quickly as it came, it was gone. "Hmm... How to explain.. Well," Drake glanced at Sara, a disgusted look on his face but quickly looked back at her and that expression was gone. "This is not the human world. To put it simply, we call it the Creature World. It is only accessible through portals that show up not too often in the human world or you can hire a powerful warlock to open one for you. This place, which you have entered through one of the 3 portals, is what we call Sun Pool. Your mother here, is a goddess." Now it was Maple's turn to laugh, "You're a-all... C-crAZY!!" She said between laughs. Drake didn't show signs of being offended. "She'll believe it soon." Drake turned and left. "She'll believe it."

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