Story I dash through the streets of Arendelle, sliding over icy puddles. Olaf slides ahead of me, laughing and clapping his little stick hands. "Whee!" I cheer. Olaf slides under an apple cart, and I take a flying jump and go over it, landing on the other side. "Go long! Go long!" Olaf shouts, pointing to a frozen puddle in front of me. I run up to it, slide, and crash into someone. "Elsa! I'm sorry!" I jump up and stare at the ground, ashamed. Elsa laughs, to my relief. "That is not princess behaviour." She tells me. "I know, I'm sorry." I say sadly. She laughs again. "But since when have we been normal princesses?" I grin up at her. "Never!" I race Elsa up the castle steps, but she trips me with her heels and beats me to the door. We run across the courtyard and both push open the heavy castle doors. When we're inside,I realise how cold I am. "Blaze?" I call, wanting my sister's warmth. She peers around a door. "I'm cold!" I complain. "Go build a fire then." She says. I pull a sad face. "I'm totally kidding." She pulls me into the room with her and we sit down on the floor. She uses her power to build a bright fire in the middle of the room. I hold my hands over it, warming up. "Thanks." I say, smiling. I reach out and touch the fire, seeing how long I can keep my hand in it. "Harriet!" Elsa exclaims, running over and pulling my hand out. "Don't play with fire! We're ice princesses, not fire princesses! What would Anna say?" A loud crashing noise comes from down the hall. "What was that?" Blaze puts the fire out and stands up. "Probably Cook dropping something again." I say with a sigh. Elsa grabs my hand and pulls me down the corridor. I take Blaze's hand with my free hand and pull her along after us. What we see in the kitchen is horrific. Cook, raising a rolling pin, to hit Crystal, the little servant. "Hey!" Blaze yells. "What are you doing?" Elsa shrieks. "Are you insane?!" I gasp. Elsa snatches the rolling pin, and Blaze pulls Crystal away. I see Columbia, Poppy and Magenta, the groupie, the cleaner and the domestic, watching from the sidelines. They're my friends. "You three!" I go over to them. "Why didn't you try and stop her? You've got that authority, I gave it to you!" Poppy shrugs. She doesn't speak much. I look at Magenta. "Columbia already got a black eye," she says in her distinct accent. "We didn't want anything else to happen." I look at Columbia, who is sniffing quietly, a horrible purple colour around her eye. I get an ice pack and give it to her. She holds it on. "Well, Magenta, next time, make sure she stops." Magenta nods. "Come on," I hold my hand out to her. "Lets get out of here." Magenta takes my hand. I walk out of the kitchen. "Blaze, bring Crystal." I look over my shoulder at Poppy and Columbia. "Come on, you two." Columbia dashes after me and grabs my other hand, giggling. Poppy walks behind Blaze, who is leading Crystal along. "You stay here and clean up this mess." Elsa orders Cook, and then hurries after us. We go into the Great Hall, which we usually reserve for parties. "Where's Anna?" Crystal asks. "Be quiet!" Magenta snaps. "You must not address the princesses by their first names!" Columbia glares at her, her high pitched voice going higher than usual. Crystal blinks, tears gathering in her eyes. I lay a hand on Magenta's shoulder, and Columbia's. "Genta, Collie, don't." I kneel down in front of Crystal. "Don't mind them, they're just a little touchy. Anna is still asleep." Crystal nods. "Harriet?" Elsa says. I stand and turn to look at her. "You know what to do." She says. I smile brightly at her. Both of us turn away from the others, and send bursts of snow up to the ceiling of the hall, and it twirls down in bright silver and white spirals. Blaze sends up jets of flames to combine with them. Columbia squeals and grabs Magenta, twirling around in the snow. Crystal jumps in a snowdrift, laughing. "This is fun!" Poppy looks reluctant to join in, but then a snowflake lands on her nose and she laughs and starts trying to catch them on her tongue. "Where's Olaf?" Columbia yells over all the laughter. "He's missing all the fun!" Poppy says. Just then, Olaf slides into the room. "Snow party!" He cheers. "Olaf!" Crystal runs to him and hugs him. "I love warm hugs!" Olaf says. "Come and play!" She tugs on his stick arm. Olaf lets her pull him to the middle of the room, and he dances with her among the snowflakes. "Watch this!" Elsa says. She twirls on the spot, pointing at the wooden rails all around the hall, and long glittering icicles appear, hanging off them. "Yay!" Crystal cheers. "Pretty ice!" Columbia swoops in and grabs me from behind, holding on round my waist, and takes hold of my hands. "What are you doing?" I ask her. Her short pink hair is tickling my neck. "Make something!" She says. I obediently make an ice statue of a cat, the first thing I could think of. "Haha!" Magenta laughs, which she rarely does. "It looks like Columbia made that!" Poppy strokes the ice cat. "I love cats!" She says. Crystal yawns. "I'm sleepy." She says, and she curls up and falls asleep in the snow on the floor. "No, not there...oh too late." Elsa says. "Magenta, can you take her to her room? And gently, please!" Magenta is not the gentlest, kindest person ever, and the fact that she yanked Crystal roughly up off the floor proves it. "Sorry." She mutters, and walks out of the room. "She's rough, isn't she!" Olaf says. "Unbelievable." Poppy shakes her head. "Is she always like that?" Elsa asks Columbia. "Pretty much." Columbia says. I stare at her. "No, I'm totally kidding. She can be really nice. She just doesn't like little kids." "Lets clear away all this snow before it melts and makes a mess." Blaze suggests. What she means is, let me use my power to melt it. "Go ahead!" Elsa and I say in unison, and smile. Blaze quickly melts all of the snow and the ice. "Look at all the puddles!" Olaf laughs. "Poppy,, two, three, four, five broomsticks, please." Elsa says. Poppy nods, and rushes off to get them. When she gets back, Elsa takes a broom, and she sweeps it across one of the puddles, splashing me and Columbia. "Ahh!" We both shriek, take a broom from Poppy, and splash her back. "The child is asleep...what the hell is this?" Magenta says, walking back in. "Get a broom, Genta!" I call to her. She gets one from Poppy, and both of them start splashing each other and laughing. Magenta splashes me, Columbia splashes Poppy, Poppy splashes Elsa, and I splash Columbia, then all of us are completely soaked and freezing. "Stop! Hold fire!" Blaze shrieks, as Poppy aims for her. Poppy drops her broom. "Okay okay!" "Lets go warm up." Elsa suggests. "And dry off!" Columbia takes her hat off and tips it upside down, water pouring out of it. We all laugh, link arms and run up the stairs. "Don't wake Crystal!" Olaf calls from the bottom of the stairs. "We won't!" Magenta says. "Or Anna!" I add. "She's too busy doing this!" Columbia says, and makes snoring noises, making us all laugh.

  • Respect!
  • Liefde
  • HaHa
  • Wauw
  • verdrietig
  • Boos