WARRIORS Loomingshadow's sacrifice Chapter 1 A dusty brown mouse nibbled happily on a seed that just so happened to fall off a sunflower. It was well into it's task of breaking the seed's shell when it stiffened. If it had heard correctly, a bush had just rustled and being the paranoid creature it was, froze. After awhile, the mouse decided it was nothing and returned to gnawing on a sunflower seed. Out of the corner of it's coal black eyes, the rodent could have sworn they had saw a flash of black hurl by to a nearby bush. In fact, the mouse thought they had heard a bush rustle as well. Not wanting to take any chances, the brown mouse took the black and brown seed into the grass where it couldn't be easily seen. Before the unfortunate rodent could react, the feel of thorn sharp claws made it's way inside their fur. Making the thought to be slow death faster, jaws clamped down on the mouse's throat, killing it instantly. A young black she-kit picked up her kill. Her fluffy kitten fur was fluffed up in excitement, hypnotizing green eyes wide. Out of nowhere, the kit started jumping up and down. "I did it!" She cried. "I made my first kill, I made my first kill!" As the young cat pranced around, a ginger tabby tom padded up behind her. "Yes, yes you did. But you scared away the rest for everyone else with your noise!" The she-kit immediately cooled down. She shot the defender an apologetic gaze, nosing the dead mouse to him. "Sorry, Blaze…" The ginger tom nodded at her. "Come on Shadow." Blaze gripped the mouse in his jaws. "Rose won't be too pleased if she finds out I took you out of camp." Shadow nodded, shaking her midnight pelt to get the dirt that had gathered in it out. She bounced after the sleek tom. This was the first time the kit had been out of camp. Technically, she shouldn't be out at all—kits aren't aloud out if there is a threat of a hawk around. But after begging and pleading her friend, Blaze, he caved and took her out. “You shall complete the first piece of your puzzle soon.” An echoing voice in her head said. She knew it was in her head even though it sounded as if it was coming from everywhere and nowhere. The voice had been saying the exact same thing since she had opened her eyes when she was little. Blaze and Shadow leaped over a hole in the ground. An itchy feeling was finding it's way up Shadow's pelt. Like she knew something was about to happen. And it wasn't good what ever it was. "Blaze?" The kitten asked. The ginger tom turned his head slightly to look back at her. "D-do you think we can go faster?" Blaze shrugged. "Sure, but if I'm going too fast for you, just say so, 'kay?" Shadow nodded, eager to get away from the area that was giving her this feeling. The two speed up, Shadow tripping over constantly because she dashed by too fast to process there was something in her way. The area suddenly went darker, as if the sun over head was covered by something. The brightness eventually came back but was quickly covered by darkness again. “You shall complete the first piece of your puzzle soon.” The voice in her head mewed. Shadow picked up her pace. The itching feeling in her pelt was growing into ants crawling in her fur. Blaze, absolutely oblivious to the horrific situation, slowed his running to a skip. Shadow ran right past him, causing the ginger tom to squeak and speed after her. Taking her chances to look up, Shadow thought she saw brown fly above her. The black she-kit suddenly knew how the mouse felt when she was hunting it. Scared, paranoid, defenseless. And most of all…doomed. All she felt at the moment was the overwhelmingly dreading feeling of doom. That there was no way in the clouds above that she was going to make it out alive. Something was up there. Blaze was too big for it to kill so that could only leave the only other option. It was hunting Shadow. It was hunting her and only her. And that fact alone made the feeling of doom spread further throughout her body. But also, her determination to get away. To prove to herself that she could get through this unharmed. Shadow and Blaze, who was now up to speed about the danger his friend was in, bounded through the forest. Making sure to avoid anything that would make them trip. The flying creature, that Shadow was now convinced was a hawk, took a swoop down at her. The she-kit screamed bloody murder as the talons narrowly missed her back. “You shall complete the first piece of your puzzle soon.” Shadow tried to run faster, but she was all ran out. She had reached her speed limit and she was almost out of energy to run. Her pace slowed as she panted. The kitten's head was spinning, blackness blinding her vision temporally more times then once. She collapsed on the ground, moments away from passing out. The talons of the hawk dung into her fur, lifting the black she-kit off the ground. For the first time, the voice in her head said something different. “You completed the first piece of your puzzle." And the hawk carried her away from the world she was oh-so familiar with.

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