WARRIORS: Loomingshadow's sacrifice The pool ripped as four tongues made their way into the clear sliver water. Following the disturbance was the soft sound of snoring as the medicine cats fell surrender to sleep under the half-moon. An egg-white tom twitched as his dream took place. He was expecting the starry forest of StarClan, but instead found himself in the daylight sky. As expected, the tom was quite nervous in this new surrounding. One alert step after another, the ThicketClan medicine cat ventured further into the clouds. "Where am I?" He questioned. He came to an end of the cloud he was on. After a moment's hesitation, he leapt, only to have another cloud form in the gap's place. "Wha—" "Glad to see you made it Duckfoot." A new voice mused. Duckfoot whipped around to only be face to face with a black she-cat. This surprised him because it sounded as if she was several frog leaps away. The white tom took a step back. There was something…unsettling about this she-cat. Instead of the star-filled fur he had expected, this cat's fur gleamed with miniature suns. The cat, seeming to notice his discomfort, rolled her ice blue eyes. "I am not here to harm you," she reassured, "isn't it quite amusing how you trust no one but your clan, when you are the ones others truly fear?" Duckfoot flattened his ears. "W-what do you mean?" "Oh don't be flea-brained! You attack anyone outside of your own clan regardless of their reasoning of crossing! Well, you have to stop that now…" Duckfoot bristled. How dare this cat that he knew nothing of just come to him and spit upon clan #life. The warrior code! The way of living that the gorge clans would die to protect! The cat growled. "You will never know how unfair your world is until your own fate is for filled…" The medicine cat narrowed his eyes. There was nothing unfair about the warrior code. It was created for the good of everyone, to prevent treason and bloodshed. "What do you want?" Duckfoot spat, rudely. The she-cat, obviously offended, drew her razor sharp claws across his face. "Don't you dare disrespect me!" She hissed. After a moment, she calmed down. "My name is Mountain Peak Where The Sun Wakes, but call me Mountain. I have brought you here to The Place of Endless Clouds because I must warn you." Duckfoot grimaced. "Warn me of what?" "Even the brightest of cats can hold the darkest ambition. Even the darkest of shadows can hold a brightening future. Not even the oldest of stars knows every threat that lurks the gorge." Mountain began to fade, the clouds began to dissipate. Duckfoot began to freak out, both from the prophecy and the quickly fading clouds, which he was standing on. "W-wait! How do I get out of her—" "Duckfoot!" The ThicketClan medicine jerked awake. His wide dark amber eyes meet with worried mint green ones. Puddlestep, the PebbleClan medicine cat, was sitting beside him with a wad of wet moss. She was a beautiful she-cat with molted fur. She had a tooth that hanged out her lip but that didn't effect her undeniable beauty, in fact, it made her cuter! "You were thrashing in your sleep like a restless badger, are you alright?" Duckfoot nodded, slightly embarrassed to be so wild. "Did StarClan send you a sign?" Duckfoot shook his head. He was never a tom of many words. It took away precious energy that he needed, especially now he was a medicine cat. He needed all the energy he could muster! "Okay, we better leave. They others have left already, I wanted to stay and wake you up." She explained. "Well, bye Duckfoot!" The white tom waved his tail back at her. "Bye, Puddlestep!" With the weight of the dark prophecy in his head, the medicine cat walked back to his own territory. He wasn't going back to camp, he needed to think this over. The first thing he needed to know was… …was this a dark prophecy or one that will save ThicketClan?

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