Translate   10 years ago

Behind The Fame Natasha was walking through the cold streets of New York. She was freezing as she continued to look for her ride. She had been walking for hours, and still couldn't find her limo. She thought things couldn't get any worse when someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around to see a well dressed old man. "Ethan! Where were you?! I'm freezing!" She yelled. Ethan was her personal driver. He was payed to drive her any where, and anytime. "Sorry to keep you waiting. Traffic was a slow, as usual." Ethan turned around and walked toward the limo. Natasha followed. Natasha opened the limo door, and practically jumped in. The warmth from the car heater rushed on her face. "I am so tired!" She complained. "Rough day, eh?" Ethan asked starting the engine. "Yeah, pretty much" Ethan listened to everything Natasha said, whether he cared or not, she felt like he was a friend. "Can we not have the radio on please? My head hurts." Natasha whined. Ethan turned off the radio, and Natasha closed her eyes. She thought about two weeks ago... ~ "Your funny..." She giggled. He grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes, "I want to be more, than just your friend." He said. There was a long silence. Natasha blushed and smiled. "Really..?" She asked unsure. " something wrong?" "No..well..." She looked down. "I just didn't know you thought of me like that.." "Of course I do." He said. He Leaned in closer to her face, and.... ~ Screams and cheers arouse. Natasha woke up from her "flash back" and saw fans were surrounding the limo. Ethan was honking like crazy and he looked frustrated. He turned around and faced Natasha. "Please do something!" He looked serious. Natasha was freakishly tired, but she had no choice. Fans were shouting; "NA-TA-SHA!" "NA-TA-SHA!" "NA-TA-SHA!" "NA-TA-SHA!" Over and over again. Some were even trying to climb atop the limousine. Young girls, and teenage girls were standing in front of the limo, In the back, and on both sides. They were literally trapped. Natasha sat in shock. Telling them to leave was not an option. She finally just unbuckled and looked at Ethan. "There only one thing I can do...." She smiled and opened the car door, fans screamed and cheered as she stepped out of the limo.

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