Souls And The Bloodline **Chap 2** "It's her." "Yes." "Are you sure it's her?" "Well, I did carry her for nine months, I'm pretty sure I can tell, Adrian." Maple groaned, still a bit groggy from being knocked out. She could hear a male and a female talking in loud voices near her. Opening her eyes slowly, she knew it was an unfamiliar place, trees... Woods... Where was she? She sat up and rubbed her head. She was going to strangle the little shit when she got her hands on him! In front of her, where two people. A tall, skinny woman with long black hair, her arms were quite muscular which suggested she did much physical work. She was wearing a skirt that stopped just a little above the knees, her hands were covered with fingerless black gloves and she wore knee-high boots. Right now, she looked at the equally tall man before her intensively. They both looked no younger than 23 years of age. The man's blue eyes blazed angrily, his brows furrowed. His brown hair seemed like a bird's nest, wild and all over the place. He wore a black suit as if he was going to a meeting. What was it? A wear all black party? They didn't seem to notice her waking up until she coughed and they turned their attention to her. "Maple," The woman breathed. The man, Adrian took her hand and squeezed it in reassurance. Were they deciding something? "Where am I?" Maple asked, looking around in confusion as she got up to face these two strangers. "Uh..." The woman looked back at Adrian. "Sara, you can do this," He mumbled, squeezing her shoulder and gripping her hand in his. "We're not in your home anymore as you can see... To be more specific, we aren't in the human world anymore." Sara explained extremely slowly like she was talking to a child that couldn't distinguish the letter A and the letter B. "I'm not a child. So please do not talk to me as such," Maple clenched her firsts then stared straight into Sara's unblinking silver eyes, "What do you mean we aren't 'in the human world anymore'?" "Well, we are still on Earth- mind you, but simply in a sort of pocket world if you will. There's the human world, everything non-supernatural. Then there's this world, everything supernatural lives here. It's much safer for us to live here, away from human influence." Sara smiled softly and her gaze became distant in memory. "What do you mean 'us'? I'm not a crazy person like you two or those twins. What are you on? Meth? Marijuana?" She laughed bitterly. Sara tilted her head slightly, "I do not understand your words..." "Those are kind of drugs humans use. Either for medical reasons or for 'fun'." Adrian clears up the confusion and Sara continues; "Yes, well, we are not "on" anything. We are telling the truth, Maple. You're not human either. You are my daughter, our daughter." Maple blinks several times, did she hear her correctly? Did she say... Yes, she did. Maple's eyes darkened dangerously, "Bitch," She whispered then lifted her gaze to meet her mother's, "You abandoned me!" She leaped at Sara, they fell on the grass before anyone could react. Maple's eyes were full of hate and loathing as she attacked the woman who gave birth to her. Adrian tried to pull her away from Sara, but Maple held on tightly, clawing her and growling. There it was again- that sudden urge to just kill. It was fuelled by her hatred. Sara tried to knock her off, but Maple was stronger, which surprised her. "You just left!" Maple cried, grabbing her throat and squeezing, hearing the gargling noise of Sara chocking. "We had no choice!" Adrian replied in frantic cries, pulling in vain at his daughter's shoulders. Maple turned on him, momentarily releasing her iron grip on her mother which gave Sara the chance to knock her off her feet and pin her to one of the trees. Adrian approached and continued talking as if nothing had happened, "We were on the run from someone when you were born. They were close so we had to do something! We didn't want you to be killed or raised as a savage killer!" "From whom? Who were you running from?" Maple demanded and Sara let her go so she could hear what her father had to say. He looked away quickly and struggled to find the words to tell her. "Someone very bad. We should be going." And he left her there dumbfounded. Adrian tried to pull her off but Maple

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