Traducciones   10 años

Divine Redecorating God has got out his art chest and he's making a few tweeks things may start to look very different in the coming weeks He's a fan of the impressionists so were in for a real treat talking out the back of our heads, and breathing through our feet He wants to make some changes but they wont all be great calls it modernizing, getting things more up to date with fresh eyes he's looking at his work, done so long ago Deciding what needs altering,and what just has to go Says like everybody else he needs to streamline and declutter and anything he doesnt like will be chucked into the gutter Lets pray , that when we wake tomorrow we are all still here Regardless if we have to spend our lives looking extremely queer There are a few things needing fixed,so God please put on your glasses you need to look again at the ozone layer and the greenhouse gasses if you could take another look at the human heart and brain and remove intolerance and hate so we don't have to war again 'In the end i am sure things will turn out just fine After all you are God and that makes you divine

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