Tradurre   10 anni fa

Silly Toy Sparkling. Sweet. Lovely. Hanging from the ceiling. Shimmer. Dazzle. Striking. Center stage, for all to see. Graceful. Riveting. Awe. Swinging side to side. Red. Fire. Cold. Ice blue lips gasp. Puppet. Strings. Stiff. You're truly displeasing. Splash. Drip. Drop. Cry ruby tears. Ending. Peak. Crescendo. Curtains close, sealing your fate. Pain. Mistrust. Hate. Time to drop the strings. Gazing. Glazing. Glassy. Time to say Bye-Bye. Thump. Dump. Replace. Time to find a new toy. Pitter. Patter. Goodnight. Broken toys lie broken everywhere.

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