Mum I stared at my window, a blanket of snow lay on the glass. I could only see blured figures in the fogg. However I spotted a odd figure omugst the rest. It was small and it was moving. I sprung towards my door and charged through like I was being violently chased. I was madly curious to know what or who, the figure was. My father jumped out of the leather couch he sat on. "Blosem! Blosem! Are you hert?" I ignored him and continued scamberling down the long stair case. "Blosem!" He repeated. "NO DAD!,""w..wh..what's that!, who's that, outside?" "DAD!" I exlaimed, demanding to know what it was."WHO IS IT?" I continued.The room fell silent.Until... NOCK...NOCK... "Dad?" "What's going on?" I said softy. "Blossem, you have to listen to me, don't freak out..." "It's your mother." I hadn't heard the word mother, in a while. Mainly because mine was you know... I try not to think about it a lot. [flash back] "Mummy?" "yes darling?" " what's the matter?" "Weres a car were" I said in my rediculiously baby voice. '

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