Traducciones   10 años

The Advice Of #life Never settle for anything less than butterflies. Don't live on your knees. And always follow your heart.. The advice of #life. But the world is a cynical place, It can't justify its cruelty, Or the marks upon your face. But the world and #life are not to blame, For being miserable. As although it may seem at first that no one can be happy in this hellish world that we exist. You can.. You can find happiness. From the smell of a fresh brew in the morning, To your loved one holding you close. From snow to sun to rain or wind. The smell of rain on the bluebells. A new born or old death. There is elegance and peace and love and happiness in all that surrounds us. So take a chance.. A leap of faith. Be happy.. That's the advice of #life. 27/12/2014

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