Translate   10 years ago

A Break In The Ice (This is my first Story so don't judge.) It was sunny and bright outside. The sky was a baby blue, like the color of my baby brother's little blanket. The cold bite my nose as I skated around the lake. I heard a cracking noise under my feet. It was too late to run away, to late to live. The ice broke under my feet and I heard my mother scream. It was going to be the last thing I ever heard. I slowly slipped into unconsciousness as the cold surrounded me and I sank to the bottom of the icy lake. 5 YEARS LATER Scarlett slowly paddled her way to the middle of the lake. She got on her scuba gear, then as the small canoe drifted to a stop she plunged herself into the icy cold waters. She held in a shriek as she looked around. The sand from the bottom was floating in the lake, making it nearly impossible to see anything. Scarlett hit the surface and grabbed a water resistant flashlight, then once again, pulled herself into the torturously cold waters of the giant lake. She shined the light down and looked around. A pair of skates laid at the bottom. Scarlett dived down and grabbed the skates, and then swam to the surface. As she came up he saw some people on the shore. Scarlett stared at then as she pulled herself into the canoe. They were talking, "Ok sweetie, you can skate to the middle just be back soon." Then the girl said: "Mom, you can stop calling me sweetie I'm 13 now and I'm not a little baby like Charles." "Ok Amber. If you insist. But just- just be safe." Amber rolled her eyes and came out, skating. Scarlett looked down at Amber's skates. They were the same as the ones Scarlett found at the bottom of the lake. Scarlett's eyes widened and she looked at the girl. Amber stood in the middle, then the ice started cracking and Amber plunged down into the icy cold waters. Scarlett's mother screamed and Scarlett looked at her. Did she see this? Then Scarlett noticed that Amber's mother was also screaming. Scarlett looked around wildly then looked down the side of the canoe. A grey skeleton with the hair of Amber's floated at the side. Then, Amber, in her skeleton form said to Scarlett: "You have disturbed my rest. History has repeated and you had made, A Break In The Ice." Then Amber grabbed Scarlett then pulled her into a choking hold and pulled Scarlett to her grave. Right beside Amber's. Then Scarlett slipped into the darkness of death.

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