Lost Rain began to lightly fall like a last goodbye kiss. Without a backwards glance he left. Slowly he trudged up the muddy hill, worn by years of use. Not daring to look back and see the small town he came to love or his heart. His heart lay still in a bed of roses and lilies. Her glossy black hair framing a lovely face. Her skin was warm honey, her lashes like raven feathers-long, black and fragile- caressed her cheeks. Her lips were full and bow shaped but they didn't have her smile anymore. Nor did he eyes open to show loving amber irises. She didn't move except for her hair caressed by the gentle wind. He didn't look back to see her set sail into the turbulent ocean nor did he see the first fiery arrow shot. He fell to his knees up top the hill under a maple tree. The rain that slowly drizzled was now pouring. His clothes were completely soaked, his black hair plastered against his skin. Rain drops ran down his face masking the tears that fell from his eyes. He dug his hands into the grass and soil trying to ground himself from the despair attacking him. He roared his lost to the wind, the hate and anger lost to the bellowing of the thunder. He was tired, his heart ached and his bones were weary. He dared one last look back and only saw his loss. His hearts armor slowly chipped and cracked. His warm heart slowly grew cold and black. His armor hardened at crooked angles. His jade green eyes that flowed with warmth and love grew lonely, hard, and hate filled. His mouth set in a grim line forgot how to smile. He was alone. Alone and empty. With that last look he stood and left. ~~~~~~ The brave and courageous warrior was left under that tree. Hands still in the soil and tears falling with the rain. His heart cracked but loving. His hope and faith still in contact. A new warrior walked ahead into the freezing wind that howled loss and the rain that froze the feelings and the thunder that roared pain along with the lighting that showed pity. His head down and shouldered hunched he walked on trying to forget. The trees enticed him with their promise to get lost in their depths. To slowly fade away from the world. The branches leaned to him asking and telling him their secrets. He stopped and searched them, contemplating their promise. Slowly, step by step, he embraced their branches allowing himself to be pulled deeper and deeper into their depths.
Sienna Williamson
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