übersetzen   10 Jahre

Paperwork Everyday at the office I spend rolling around in my wheelchair my boss comes by and asks "Where is my printed copy?! Ugh! Here's your paperwork, fill it all out. Hehe, for a raise of course!" It's so annoying. That's never happened. All paperwork is, is stacked white sheets on a desk, with lines and letters that need filling in! Everyday I get a boat load a' paperwork! But my friends get raises! It's just not fair! "My good man, you still haven't done Ye' paperwork! Ye' must really want my Otha' load a' e got comin' out!" He said. I really hate my boss, really. And here he comes with his paperwork, I'm not here! Bye! "E' must want Za' paperwork, Mark bring in Za' load a' paperwork!" He said, he speaks a funny way, he's a New Yorker you know! "Ok, Here's what E' want Ye' ta doe, Ya, must doe Za work, I have or Ya' ma doe Za' Otha' workload I' got comin' out." He says, He even talks like he's originally born in New York! "What was Zat' E' Heard about that me," He asked, My boss is so annoying, but I have to earn money for my house!

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