That Weird Mood Have you ever just been in a mood where everything is annoying. Where the slightest thing will make you flip. Even if it's just cleaning or something taking a while to load, it'll make you want to scream and punch the wall. Even someone telling you about how you shouldn't use all caps and how someone isn't replaying to you pleading for them to write something. That weird mood, for me anyway, comes whenever I'm about to be told to do something. My mum told me to take the dog out, and just before that I was angry for no reason. That weird mood came today, because my sister wanted to go out for a walk with me, even though for the pasts few weeks I've been extremely busy and sick, so I wasn't feeling well. I also couldn't, and still can't, see straight. That weird mood decided that it would be very strong today, and if I was home alone, I would've screamed my head off. That weird mood is the thing that's stopping me from writing, for I'm trying to rid of it by doing fun things. It's not working. At all. That weird mood is being weird.
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