Silence Is #life beautiful? No. Simple? No. Easy? No. #life will never be these things no matter how hard we try because we strive and never are content to stop at what good we have before we lose it. All humans and living things are addicted to gambling with #life itself and we never seem to learn that #life always wins. The world seems to halt. The leaves sees to flutter. They hang unmoved in the heavy air. The world slowly comes back to #life in a second or two but in the motionless silents there seems to be #life more full than at any other interval in time. There seems to be true happiness before it's chased away by those who seek always to move and fill the air with nothing but useless chatter and ideas when the best of things can be found in the stillness of a leaf on the wind or the balance of a drop right before it falls like it's brothers to the earth that will never halt it's call to them.