Translate   10 years ago

What if, after Callahans defeat, BH6 ran around San Fransysko all day saving people's lives. What if, they once came across a deadly fire. What if, while the rest hurriedly started helping injured people already out, Hiro just stood and stared in terror at the burning building. What if, he started to see Tadashi again, first smiling, then running into the building all over again. What if, he then heard Tadashi scream in agony, and started running into the building himself in reality, yelling his brothers name in distress. What if, the only thing that saved him for a while was Baymax, but after some struggling, he ran off again. What if the building blew up in his face like last time. What if Hiro saw Tadashi burning and screaming with tears in his eyes a while Callahan flew off to safety. What if that was the last thing he saw before he fell on his knees and screamed and wailed his heart out, pathetically hiding, right before he passed out still whimpering "Tadashi..." What if...

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