Rachel's New Love My friend Rachel found a new person to love her! I'm so happy, after the last one ditched her with no explanation she was heartbroken and I was furious, but this new person promised me that they would never do that to her. This person's name is Dani, and she is amazing. She has beautiful brown eyes, soft blonde hair with brown ingrained, she plays the guitar and she sings, she's a good accompaniment for Rachel. She's so sweet and she looks it, but she can also be a total badass. And the best thing is that they are so in love, they talk about each other all the time. Dani said she was so in love she could have a heart attack and only a true love's kiss (from Rachel) could save her. And Rachel said she'd be right there all the time and she would always love Dani and be there when she needed her. I have never seen a cuter couple in my whole #life. Rachel + Danielle 4 Ever

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