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Harry Potter And The Heir Of Hogwarts It was October 3rd, and the two visitor schools, Durmstrang and Beauxbaton, would be there on the 30th of October. Harry had just woken up and went to the great hall for breakfast. He sat next to the Weasley twins, Fred and George, and was joined by his two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. "Wish they would have the two other schools come earlier, it's the only thing that's been on my mind since September!" Ron said. "Oh Ron, would you be patient for once?" Hermione told him. Harry, too, had been inpatient for the 30th. "Oh bloody hell, we have potions first thing today, with the Slytherins!" Ron said as he was looking at his schedule. Harry hated potions, mainly because the person who had taught the potions was one of Harry's least favorite people in the world, Professer Snape, and of course they had to have it with Harry's least favorite Hogwarts house, Syltherin. Harry, Ron, and Hermione headed to the dungeons to the potions classroom. The Slytherins were already there, waiting in their seats. Most of the 4th year Gryffindors were already there, and Harry knew what that meant: They were late. "You're late, 5 points from Gryffindor," Snape said coolly. Throughout the whole lesson, Harry couldn't keep his mind off of Durmstrang and Beaxbaton. It seemed to be the only thing people talked about these days. Every time Harry would walk through the corridors, he heard people talk about Victor Krum, who was a student at Durmstrang and was a professional Quidditch player. On the 29th if October, the students learned that they had Potions the next day, but they'd get released one hour early for the arrival of the visiting schools. Finally, it was October 30th. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all in positions class. They would get released in 20 minutes to be exact.he heard some Slytherin girls whispering to each other. He could just barely make out what they were saying. "Did you here the news Becky? Potter is coming to Hogwarts!" "No way! She's one of the most powerful witches in the world!" When potions was done, they scurried down to the great hall. Harry couldn't stop thinking about what the Slytherin girls were talking about, Harry had no living relatives. The great hall was packed with people. Harry, Ron, and Hermione could barley find a place at the Gryffindor table. "Welcome, welcome, students. We are gathered here on this fine evening for the arrival of our guests. I can assure you that they will be here any minute now." Dumbledore said. They hear knocking on the wall. "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce the lovely ladies of Beauxbaton." Dumbledore shouted. A group of about ten girls marched in, following them was a woman at least 11 feet tall. "And our other guests, the handsome gentlemen of Durmstrang." Dumbledore shouted once more. Another group of ten boys marched in, everybody was looking to see if Victor Krum was in the crowd, and sure enough he was. "And a special surprise guest that will be staying here all year, she is here to see if she likes it here and if she does, she will stay here until seventh year, may I introduce Richelle Lily Potter!" Dumbledore shouted. She walked in and Harry saw something in her arms. As she got closer he realized what it was: an infant. She looked at Harry liked they'd known each other their whole lives. She walked over to Dumbledore and he started whispering something to her, Harry tried to read his lips and he made out "Choose any table you want," They whole great hall started shouting at her to sit at their table. Harry looked over at Ron who was saying, "C'mon Malfoy, you've already got Krum to sit by you!" Richelle started walking towards the Slytherin table and sat down by Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. Dumbledore put his had up in the air which meant he wanted silence. The hall went quiet. "Now, we are all here because there is something taking place here at Hogwarts called the Triwizard Tournament. To enter the Triwizard Tournament, you must put you name and school on a little slip of paper, and place it into something called the Goblet of Fire. But the ministry and I have decided that for your own safety, you must be 17 years or older to enter the tournament." Those words caused a giant uproar across the hall, the Weasley twins were throwing a tantrum, "THATS RUBBISH!!" They screamed. When the feast was done, Harry, Ron, and Hermione went up to the Gryffindor common room. "Who's that girl?" Harry asked. "What girl?" Ron and Hermione said at the same time. "That girl with my last name?" Harry asked. "Richelle?" Ron asked. "Yeah," Harry replied. "Well, no one in the world was supposed to tell you, I guess Dumbledore decided it was time," Hermione said. "Tell me what?" Harry said. "That girl, she well... I don't think we're the right people to tell you.." Hermione said. "Spit it out!" Harry said irritated. "What Hermione's trying to tell you is-" "Ron!" Hermione interrupted. "What?" Ron asked Hermione. "Leave it to Dumbledore!" Hermione yelled. "Well if you guys won't tell me then I will just go see Dumbledore, now if you would excuse me I haven't any time to waste." Harry said. He walked very quietly through the castle so that Peeves doesn't get Professor Filch. When he reached Dumbledore's door, he knocked on it loudly. It opened slowly and Harry entered Dumbledore's office. He saw Dumbledore's sitting in his chair as usual. "Oh, hello Harry! Wasn't expecting to see you here this late," Dumbledore said. "Sorry to bother you Professor, I just wanted to talk to you about something," Harry said. "Anything, anything," Dumbledore replied. Harry sat down. "Well, I was wondering who that girl was. Richelle Lily Potter is it?" Harry asked. "Ahh, I knew this day would come. Well Harry you see, Richelle is you fraternal twin sister." Dumbledore said. "My what?!" Harry said shocked. "Your sister. You see, the night Lord Voldemort killed your parents, Hagrid found you of course, you know how that story goes. Anyway, your sister went to live with her god-parents. She attended a wizarding school called Salem. Two of her good friends had a daughter, her name is Caitlin, and Richelle is Caitlin's God-Mother. One day, Richelle's friends were killed by dementors. With Richelle being only 14, it is a little hard being a mother. The little infant that Richelle was carrying today was Caitlin, who is only six months old. I'm so very sorry I didn't tell you this sooner." Dumbledore said. When Harry said goodbye to Dumbledore, he went back down to the Gryffindor common room. "Did you guys know this whole time?" Harry asked Ron and Hermione. "Maybe," Ron replied. "And you didn't tell me!" Harry shouted. "Harry lets talk about this in the morning, it's nearly two o'clock!" Hermione said. Harry woke up on Friday morning, which was Halloween. Today, everybody had to gather in the Great Hall for the drawings of the three Triwizard Champions. When he had gotten there, he sat next to Ron and Hermione. "Fred and George are finished with their aging potion, they're trying just about everything to get their names in the goblet," Ron said. "How exactly are they going to do that? Dumbledore drew an age line to keep anyone under seventeen from putting their name in the Goblet of Fire." Hermione said intelligently. "But we're not under seventeen anymore are we?" Fred and George said together as they walked in. "Do you wits actually think you're going to fool something that Dumbledore drew?" Hermione asked. "That's exactly what we were thinking!" The twins said together. "Ready Fred?" "Ready George." They both drank the potion. Then they walked over to the age line surrounding the Goblet. They walked straight through it, no troubles at all. They put their names in the goblet. The whole room cheered. They walked out of the age line. Then, they heard a load rumble come from the goblet. Suddenly, fire launched at the twins. The twins flew onto the ground. Harry noticed something on their faces: the where covered with grey hair. They even had a grey beard. "You said!" "You said!" They yelled at each other. They were now fighting. Professor McGonagall walked in. "Boys! Get to the hospital wing immediately!" She yelled at the twins. "I thought I told them nothing as pathetically dim-witted as an aging potion is going to work." Hermione said after the twins left for the hospital wing. The whole school was in the Great Hall sitting on bleachers that where placed alongside the aging line. "Look who showed up," Ron said. Harry saw Richelle walk in with Caitlin. "What about her?" Harry asked. "Look who's with her," Ron said. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle where right beside her. "That's just great, my twin sister is best friends with my enemy." Harry said. "Oh Harry, I doubt they're best friends." Hermione said. "Hermione think about it: when have you seen her without Malfoy?" Harry said. "Well.... I see your point Harry, but that still doesn't mean they're best friends." Hermione said. The Syltherins all sat down at the Slytherin bleachers. Dumbledore walked in followed by the rest of the judges. "Welcome, welcome, to the drawings of The Triwizard Tournament. I will pull out three names, one from each school. Remember, the goblet is the chooser for this, not me. Let's get started." Dumbledore spoke. Once everyone went quiet, the goblets flames turned blue. Out shot a little slip of paper, Dumbledore caught it in mid air. "The Durmstrang champion is.... Victor Krum!" He yelled. Everyone cheered and applauded. Victor made his way to the back room. Then, another ticket flew out of the goblet. "The Beaxbaton champion is... Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore yelled. Every student from Beaxbaton cheered and applauded. Then, the moment Harry had been waiting for, another slip of paper came out of the goblet. "And finally, the Hogwarts champion is... Cedric Diggory from the Hufflepuff house!" Dumbledore said, he was just as happy as everyone else. "GO CEDRIC!" All of the Hogwarts students screamed. But then, the whole room went silent as everyone saw the goblets flames turn colors again. Strangely, another piece of paper came out. "Harry Potter! Harry Potter where are you?!" Dumbledore sounded angry. Everyone looked at Harry, but Harry didn't budge. He just sat there, paralyzed with fear. "Harry, get up!" Hermione whispered in Harry's ear. So Harry got up, walked over to Dumbledore, and Dumbledore started telling Harry something, "Harry, go with the rest of the champions, I'll talk to you then." Dumbledore said calmly and quietly so that nobody but Harry could hear. Harry walked to the door placed at the end of the Great Hall. He walked through it, he saw a bunch of nicknacks inside glass cases. The other champions were sitting in front of the fire place. Dumbledore and all of the other judges walked in, Madame Maxime had the worst look of anger on her face. "Dumbledore, I swear I didn't put my name in the Goblet!" Harry told him. "Well of course ze is lying!" Madame Maxime said angrily. "Harry, I'm going to ask you this only one time, please tell me the truth: did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Dumbledore said calmly. "No sir." Harry responded. "I believe you," Dumbledore told Harry. "Well if he didn't put his name in the goblet, then how did his name get chosen?" Karkaroff said coolly. "Easy, someone else put his name in the Goblet," Mad-Eye said. "Why would someone else put my name in the goblet?" Harry asked. "Someone is trying to kill you or see you get hurt." Mad-Eye said.

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