Translate   10 years ago

Mayonaka No Hõmon It had been only a single week of school that had passed so far in the year, yet Sasuke was already the center of attention. From already starting a fight, to disrespecting almost all of his teachers... Except one. Senpai Yatsuki. She was a tall woman, who taught English class. Sasuke almost instantly took a liking to her, but not in an odd way, but a liking in familiarity. The strict way she taught, along with the way she still cared to help her students if they lacked in an area of learning. The first week of school flew by for Sasuke. Before he knew it, football tryout were here! He had impatiently been waiting for this moment. After the tryouts, which lasted a short amount of time, he knew he had made it, and couldn't wait to hear coach Yatsuko, who was a tough American man, congratulating him. ~ Sasuke walked in the front door, and was almost immediately slapped by his drunken father. Sasuke recoiled, and then started throwing punches, knocking his father off guard. Sasuke turned towards the starts, and ran to his room, locking the door. Within the confined, dark, shadowy walls of his room, Sasuke silently cried himself to sleep. The morning went by fairly fast, noting Sasuke fell asleep in a class or two. When time rolled around to english, Sasuke realized he had no pencil with him. He quietly raised his hand, and asked Senpai Yatsuki if he could borrow one,which she allowed him to, as long as he gave it back after class. Sasuke then had to right a five page essay, consisting of 1,000 words. When he was finally done, he slammed the pencil down on the desk, and yelled "Done!" Everyone replied "Shut up, Sasuke-Kun!" When everyone was finished, the bell dismissed them to lunch, and Sasuke hastily grabbed his surroundings, and left to go eat. ~ Sasuke had just gotten home from school, and situated in front of the T.V. when his father stumbled down the stairs, landing on his face. Sasuke looked over at his father, and felt disgust in his father. That night, Sasuke was having a hard time sleeping. He thought he had forgotten to do something important, but could not figure out what. Soon, Sasuke just thought about describing his dark room to himself; the cob-webbed lamp, the dusty dresser with his clothes, his desk, with his backpack, lunch bag, eraser... and...a pencil. His eyes started to get black spots, with fear. What would she think of him? Would she accuse him of stealing? Will he be punished in the school? He slowly drifted off to sleep. ~Read below for sneak peek on next chapter~ Sasuke had slowly drifted off after noticing he had taken his Senpai's pencil. All of a sudden, his eyes darted open! His window was wide open, and the blinds were flapping in the wind wildly. He then noticed something was missing... Senpai's Pencil.

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