Nice Girl. "You're a nice girl" he whispered ever so lightly, it was barely audible. I shook my head rapidly. "I'm not a nice girl. Girls like me are not nice, damaged girls are never ever nice, and that's exactly what I am, I'm damaged beyond repair. Girls like me rip people apart because we can't rip ourselves apart anymore. I can't do that to you, you mean too much to me" I sighed heavily. "Girls like me we stay away from people, for our own good, so we don't get attached, because as soon as your attached to someone you're thrown into the sea of possibly loosing them, I don't think my heart could take loosing someone so dear to me again, so no I am not a nice girl, I am a damaged ship wreck of a girl and you're best off without me" (From a story I'm currently writing, I listened to Paul Tiernan's 'How To Say Goodbye' whilst writing it, I suggest you do too, it's a lovely song)
âShay ð
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