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Our Duplicate Imagine. Somewhere out in the blackness of the night sky live you. Of course, another version of you. Science has debated it for years. The possibility that there are infinite universes, each one populated with another version of you, a you who made the better choices and missed the mistakes you made. CHAPTER 1: THE PROJECT I was called in from Harvard. My security Clearence had sky rocketed as I was chosen for Project Crossover. Don't worry, I'm no Professor of Quantum Mechanics or Astrophysics, I'm just an ordinary man who spends most of his time in Harvard, trying to figure out if there is another me out there. I met a group of scientists, each one smarter than me. But my job was simple, get to the other side, find the other me. CHAPTER 2: THE MEETING A black car with tinted windows drove me to an odd looking building. We had driven for hours, slowly finding our way to the base. The rocks shot at the car from the floor, the tracks were climbing a mountain, but this was no ordinary mountain, it was purpose built, a man made structure embodied in the centre of the famous Colorado hills. The mountain had what seemed to be a steel, 10 ton gate. And amazement shook me as the door read 'Welcome to Raven Base: All photography is prohibited' CHAPTER 3: TALKING WITH THE RAVEN The base was so big, there were rooms scattered everywhere, even the waiting room was about the size of the universities lecture rooms. I sat there patiently when about 4 other people sat down. A man with bright white hair, a woman with brown hair in a ponytail, a younger man with slick black hair and an unusual looking man wearing a bowlers hat. They all took their separate seats. We waited there for hours, constantly looking out the door, waiting for our chance to leave. My luck came as a man in a black suit walked through the door. He looked around and pointed at me and the girl. He escorted us out of the room. However, the man with the white hair angrily stood up and shouted "we had a deal, I was supposed to cross over, not these lousy bastards, they barely have careers yet alone the ability to transfer". The guard impatiently walked out the room CHAPTER 4: Debrief We were led into a very large room, with a huge projector screen infused to the wall. Me and this girl sat there, we didn't dare to say a word. Guards stood at every door and they all gazed at us the entire time. I mean I had no gun or no knife so I wasn't a threat. The glass door at the head of the room swung open. A confident man strides in with his big fancy suit and quickly walks towards the screen on stage. In a rush he says "You two have been chosen by The United States Government to be the first ever people to cross over to our parralel universe, we must go quickly as we have no time". CHAPTER 5: OPEN GATE We were led into a hangar like room, here we had no idea what was going on, we were told we needed no training and we could only take one personal possession and a Phone. We were quickly led to a brick wall, it was blank. There was no portal but there was also no people. I looked at the woman who came with me and I said "What happened" "I think we go outside" We walked out a seemlessly ordinary door in an ordinary building. We slowly walked outside and hundreds of yellow taxis lined the streets. I thought to myself that this entire experiment or project had gone wrong. However, as I looked to the sky, two identical buildings towered over me, I knew something was different. PART TWO COMING SOON

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