Upon The Heath Lost in a world of my own devising Where we can be happy together I patiently wait, for hours it seems Amongst the royal heather Decorating the bleakness of The moors of my homeland I will forever wait for you To come and take my hand In dreams it seems that you are Mine, and I cannot ever change My mind about you, darling This feeling is rather strange I feel helpless and unwanted I always knew you'd break my heart I knew from the day I first realised That I'd fallen for you at the start I understand that you do not Reciprocate these feelings And I must confess that I'm unsure Of reaching such high ceilings The pinnacle of happiness is Such a lofty, daunting peak But I climb to the summit everytime That I can hear you speak Your smile lights the way through The darkness of difficult days And I'd do almost anything To see you smiling always It hurts when I see you struggling Knowing I cannot assist But know I'll do whatever it takes Your charm, I can't resist I'll wait upon the lonely moors And watch the night draw in And lose myself in the heavens As overhead the stars will spin I'll see our names inscribed together In those patterns of the sky The jewel studded blackness above Will memorialise how I cry For you, my soulmate, my love. I.Sparrow
Sienna Williamson
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Sienna Williamson
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Sienna Williamson
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Sammie ❤️
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India Sparrow (Sarah)
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India Sparrow (Sarah)
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India Sparrow (Sarah)
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