Translate   10 years ago

The sand man When the people settled in Mooreyn, they angered the sand man. These ancient people did not understand how much trouble lay ahead, the greedy saw it as a place were they could be kings and queens of a whole new land, the explorers saw it as a chance to be famous in discovering a new land, and the afraid saw it as a place to hide from the sand man. a young lady from Mooreyn's sister city, Holpendale, happened the be none of these people. She had just wondered in one day to see what the fuss was about. People crowded the vast land of thorns and thistles, trying to make their homes. It did not seem a place were #life could survive. The grey, dusty, ground stretched as far as she could see, but there was nothing there. Polka spat on the ground, the moisture dried in seconds. It seemed strange that so many people were arguing who owned what. Once Polka got out of the crowd, she looked around the empty space. It seemed as if someone was there, she was certain. She heard the rough grains of sand crackle under her foot step. She decided to head back, though the next day she would come again. When she returned,

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