Merrily Chapter 2 The immediate thing that I did was take Mary to the doctor. He said that Mary wasn't majorly ill (for example: flu), but had a simple cold. Why she was vomiting was because something had upset her stomach or didn't set well, like her doing 50 jumping jacks when she was done eating. She hasn't, of course. Mary's acting like she has the A and B flu - whining and being really crabby. If she wants milk, she WANTS it and will demand it without scant. This I do not allow. Right now, I'm lying down in the living room, watching television. Mary's napping in her room, the television also on in her room. I few moments later, Mary shouts. "Moooomm!" She wails. I hear gagging and coughing and quickly rush to her room. When I see her, she's lying on the side of her bed, vomiting in the trash can. I scowl. The doctor must not have a degree because with her vomiting four times in less than three hours ISN'T a simple cold. She hasn't eaten anything in the last two hours and for the first hour she only ate three small pepper mints for her stomach. They helped for about twenty minutes, obviously their beauty has worn off. Mary glances at me, eyes small with distress and pain. "I don't have a cold!" She vociferated. I sigh. "I agree highly," I respond, taking the covers off Mary's body. I then pick her up and guide her outside the house and into the car. I let her wait in it as I go back inside the house, grabbing a paper bag and a blanket. The paper bag for in case she vomits once again and the blanket for warmth. We head for the E.R. room.