Translate   12 years ago

Intro Okay then, so here’s the dilemma - basically, I need a new laptop and can’t afford one. I probably could afford one if i really saved up and waited, but every week, my wages seem to disappear into a void of things i don’t particularly need, but at the time decide i want enough to spend my last tenner on. Oh, and before you even think it, dear reader, there is not a bank in the land who would furnish me with a loan to buy said machine, as my credit rating has been thoroughly trounced through years of late payments. No, unfortunately, this time, i must raise the capitol through my own endeavours. It became apparent to me long ago that the easiest way to make a million pounds is to get two million people to give you fifty pence.vNow, i’m not really bothered about being a millionaire, so here’s the plan - I write a book, sell a couple of thousand copies and make about a quid off each one, buy the fancy laptop and half of any profit made after that goes to charity...a good charity though, nothing to do with football or lenny henry, a proper charity that help people who are dying or something, i dunno, i’ll pick a good one, promise. so what do you think of my plan then? I get a new computer and do a bit of good at the same time. Oh, and i’ll really try to make the book as interesting as possible to make it worth your money.

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