übersetzen   10 Jahre

Violent End Joe was rubbing up against me harder as I was struggling to open the door but finally the key clicked He shoved me hard against the door "I fucking love you" said Joe as he squeezed my wrists tighter "Joe your hurting me" i breathed out "No thats love" he said rubbing his crouch against my bum harder He flipped me around and slammed my back against the wall "Ow" i whimpered He kissed me quickly and roughly his teeth piecing the skin on my lip leaving it bleeding I held in a cry Why did love hurt so bad? "Baby come on" he shouted pulling me along by my already bruised wrist "Joe stop" "Come on babes" he said pushing me forcefully onto the bed "Joe please" He smashed his lips against my already cut ones and moved his tongue to my throat nearly choking me until he removed it I pushed him as hard as I could off me and started coughing violently. I couldn't stop every time I coughed it made me need to cough again. I sat up and kept on coughing I felt like I was choking. Joe appeared at my side the list from his eyes gone and had been replaced by worry. He ran out of the hotel room and appeared less than a minute later with cold water. I sipped it and slowly stopped coughing. My throat was sore and I felt like crying. I looked up and Joe was looking back at me sad "Baby are you okay" he asked "Yeah I'm fine" i said brushing off the terrible experience "Your not" he said moving to sit next to me "I am that was just a little cough" He pushed himself against the backboard and pulled my head down to his lap resting it so I was facing up looking at him. He smiled but then his expression went confused. He brushed his finger across my lip where it was cut and then he picked up my hand and looked at my wrist and noticed when I flinched when he touched my back "I'm a monster" he said "No your not your just forceful and you don't know your own strength" "But you told me to stop and I didn't and I hurt you" "No no no you didn't hurt me im fine" "Flinching every time I touch you is not fine babe" He got up and grabbed his keys "Please don't leave me" i whimpered "I just need time to think" he said going out the door shutting it lightly I felt tears prick in my eyes. I grabbed my wrist and stared at it. It was a yellow/black colour and my back was probably the same. There was a knock at my door. "It's open" i said in a shaky voice Mick burst though the door and up to me in the bed "Paul what's wrong bud" he asked concerned at my state "Nothing" i said like a fool "Don't say that when it's obvious" "We need to practice for the show tomorrow" i said getting up and grabbing my bass with my stronger arm "Leave that" he said "No" I grabbed the strap and secured it around my shoulders and then brought my other hand up to play but every note i hit hurt like a bastard and I couldn't play a verse let alone 15 songs Mick took the bass away and as I turned around I saw Joe at the door and I felt like even more of a failure. I couldn't even play the bass good enough for my boyfriend "Paul baby don't worry about practice we can cancel tomorrow now let's go to the hospital and get that wrist looked at" Joe said opening his arms for a cuddle I went to walk into his arms until Mick got in the way "No fucking way I'm taking him to the hospital your the reason he's like this anyway. If you didn't force him and hurt him then he would be fine right now not in pain and feeling like a failure because he can't play" Mick shouted and followed me out of the room leaving Joe gobsmacked.

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