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Chapter 1. (Missing wolf). The usual pack call sounded. A young wolf with grey fur and yellow eyes; Moonshine, open his eyes and stood up with strong legs. He heard his pack howling outside the cave. Moonshine ran towards the pack and push through the pack until he was in the front. He saw another pack howling fiercely to them. "Mum, which pack is this?"asked Moonshine "The baddest pack, Dark marks."said his mum,Sunset,with a gentle growl. Moonshine turned to the cave 's inside and walked. He think on the way to eat his breakfast. What happen? He said quietly. As he sat next to his BFF,Pocket,and his younger sister, Cupcake,Moonshine asked " Why is our pack howling at Dark mark? Is something happening that I don't know? I'm the prince! ." "Yes, you are my darling. Sssh .Don't need to shout, darling." said Sunset as she sat near Moonshine making him calm down."Brother,you did't know about dad?"said Cupcake with her sweet voice."What about dad?" Moonshine asked seriously." He's missing."said Sunset. Chapter 2. (The beginning of the journey) As night begin to fall, Moonshine's pack was getting ready to go hunting,training and classes.Today was Cupcake's hunting class and Moonshine 's training class. Moonshine 's classes were all ways early.Today was a special day for the cubs. Moonshine and Cupcake was the earliest cubs in the pack. Sunset and some female wolves were resting on the high rocks." Race you to the cave !" shouted Cupcake as soon as Moonshine caught up with her."Sure!"said Moonshine. Moonshine ran faster than Cupcake."Can't you be faster?" shouted Moonshine as Cupcake try to catch up. Suddenly, Cupcake caught up and won the race."Good job!"said Moonshine as he came into the cave."Thanks"said Cupcake. As all the wolves from Moonshine 's pack came in because it was going to be late morning. As soon as the pack rest, Moonshine took a peak at his pack and pushed away Sunset 's front legs he woke up Cupcake with a gentle growl."Cupcake wake up, I need you to follow me". Cupcake stood up and walked to Moonshine ."Where are we going?" Cupcake asked " To find dad the leader, the father of our pack".said Moonshine with a brave howl just like they father, Shiner,as soon as they reach a tall apple tree.they heard fierce howls behind them. They turned around Dark mark was howling at them. Moonshine can understand the male wolves as he was a male. Female wolves can understand another female wolves its because what they have. They have to combat and speak to the same gender. If they have a brother or sister they can understand them. "Hahaha,look at this little lose pups!" said leader,Eras."We' re not lose !we're finding our dad,Shiner,and you get lose" said Moonshine with a angry howl."Cupcake...." Moonshine said "Yes?" said Cupcake "Go run away meet me at the strawberry forest!" Moonshine shouted. Cupcake ran as fast as her short legs could carry her. She saw 2 wolves chasing her as she ran. Chapter 3(lost in the woods) As soon as Moonshine came he his younger sister in trouble he ran and chased them away. Cupcake turned to him and ran towards him giving a him a hug." You were so brave! How did you do that?" said Cupcake and quickly changing the words she was saying into a question." It's because if you have training lessons then you be strong just like me. Moonshine said with a bright smile. As they walked Moonshine showed Cupcake the woods. What are the places,parts,the other packs and more. Suddenly, there was a wooden door." The map shows us that with are at rose maze." said Moonshine "oh no,we took the wooden path not the soft path!" Moonshine shouted." Now what do we do?" Cupcake said with a soft howl as she was telling Moonshine she was upset." Let's go to that shady tree." Moonshine said seeing it. The tree was tall and a lot of leaves. It's branches were long and had falling leaves. As they walked, Moonshine kept an eye watching to keep Cupcake safe. Suddenly, they saw another cub sitting in the long grass in front of the tree. The cub had light brown fur and orange eyes stood and look at Moonshine and Cupcake." Hmmm...... Who are you?" said the cub." We are from Star Path." Moonshine said " Oh, I heard about you' re missing father,my father; Lukas , went missing to you know."said cub " I 'm Flame from Moon hitters. My sister is missing too. I was talking to much and suddenly, my sister was gone!"said Flame. Moonshine saw Cupcake sleeping in front of the tree. Moonshine looked Cupcake and thought about how Flame feel. Chapter 4( I found I keep) Sunset begin to fall with a heavy storm. The clouds raced like wild horses. As it was going to begin to rain, Moonshine took the fallen green leaves and spider webs to make a blanket for Cupcake to keep her warm. Moonshine finished the blanket went it was already raining. He put the blanket carefully on Cupcake. Ghvhgvhgvghvv jutyyhh Haas jinxed that she was up

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