Translate   10 years ago

The walls were white like snow I could see that the walls were just panted. It had a very strong musty scent. I've smelled the scent before it smelled like death. I'm in a room there are no windows there is no sounds around me. I see a door a big metal door where does it go I asked my self and why I'm I here? My name is Conner Thomas Neo I'm high school student 17 years old. I live a basic normal #life for the most part. Let's talk about my family the Neos my farther Mr.Neo also know as Tim Neo and my mother Mrs. Neo also know as Kate Neo. Sorry to be so formal but that's the way a Neo is supposed to address there parents. I hate going to my farther and addressing him as Mr. Neo. My mother doesn't really care she walks around the house with now soul left in her. Mr.Neo has taking every last shred of integrity and hope away from my mothers eyes. I remember my mother happy I would look into her lite blue eyes. I would see hope,kerge,intuition they reminded me of the ocean. The light I saw behind her eyes was gone and never coming back all she does his clean and cook. If she not doing that she's probably just looking out the window in the living room. She has no expression on her face no smile no sad face just nothing almost like a human doll. If I ask her something

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