Fate? I've chosen what I want! I know who I want to be! Then a day later I ask: Are you sure? Really? No, I'm not sure... Nothing makes sense, My mind is a spiral, Devious spiders wind it's web. It's seems I will never know, Until again I am certain, For months I am committed, And then one day the dream breaks its burden. Please help me! I will scream. Ask everyone and anything, What to do and be. My friends say one thing, My parents another, My teachers say everything, My walls just shudder. It's like three rollocoasters, Intertwining with each other, And I'm in the front seat, Where I struggle and stutter. Until I reach the finals, Until I find the end. Choose my dream, And off I go again. I decide I'm not technical, But artistic. That for maths I'm not clever enough, And stay optimistic. But then I think, That I can be technical if I try, If I really do work hard, It's all fine. So here I am balancing my boat, Doing maths, languages, music and science, Oh god... I'm so tired... People say that it's impossible, But somehow I'm doing it. I just really hope for once, I'll decide and stick to it.

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