çevirmek   10 yıllar önce

Feel Me Something I knew what I wanted. And I knew it wasn't good. I didn't know if I could get it. But I knew where to start. So I began my ascent. Routine at first; quiet, scenic, beautiful. But with clouds overhead and a cold wind rushing about I knew what waited for me at the top. I didn't know where that was but I pressed on. All alone I walked along a wife grassy ridge. The world cast in an erie cloud filtered light. Strange greens shimmering from the rustling leaves on the adjacent valleys and ridges; Like the sea on the cusp of a storm. The world around me was coming to #life. I looked to the sky and they knew what I was after. They would give it to me if I could get to it. I'm in the clouds now. No longer can I see in the distance. The ridge is significantly narrower now. The earth is wet as is the air. The jungle is sense as I climb over uneven slippery roots, using the trees to keep from going over the side. The wind throws itself against me at ever high peak after soaking me in the continuous drizzle abs dense most of heavy clouds. Higher still I go. I've been climbing for hours now. My legs are weak, my joints ache and my finger tips are raw from crawling through the mud. The trees are gone now, the air is thin and I can't catch my breath. The violent winds relentless as I fumble along this razor sharp ridge. With eighteen inches on either side and no shelter around I crawl along this ridge. Occasionally I pass a stump that looks like it might save my #life if the wind were to catch me off guard, on to find it's composition like that of a sponge as I put my hand through it. But I cannot stop or the wind will chill me to the bone instantly. And more importantly I must reach a definitive end. The trail ended hours ago. I'm well past halfway spent knowing I have hours of treacherous terrain behind me before I reach humanity. No one knows I'm here but I need that definite end. In the hazy distance I can see what I know has to be the pinnacle of this journey. As I move for it the wind whips me in the face and I sink low into the mud; it does not stop. I look and see dark clouds just over my head as they unleash a torrent of rain into the wind and pelt me with a frozen hellfire. I inch forward to a small ledge and sit low in a small mud puddle trying to hide from the storm. With no avail. Feeling very small, and at the mercy of Mother Nature I await my fate in my tiny mud puddle. Two thousand feet up in the midst (literally in the midst of the storm clouds) of the storm on a razors edge miles away from another human I become supremely aware of my mortality. The Gods have sent their message loud and clear. I chose #life. At the first break in the storm I started to limp my way down the mountain with my tail between my legs. I spent the next four hours very aware of my fragility, my fatigue, my aches and pains, my soaked body and cold bones until I made it out. True story.

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