перевести   10 лет назад

Today I Speak Today I decided to speak my mind-to simply talk. For so long my words have been trapped inside my mental capacity. They became constant conversations that only I could hear because no one around me had the ability to hear them. I may have ran into about two people who have the special gift to tap into that secret spiritual place where hidden and secret thoughts can be heard; and yes, they would read me. However, they had limitations on how far they could go into my mind before I closed the door on them. After all my thoughts are my secret, and there is only so much of them that I am willing to share with others. But, now I say it's time to let my voice be heard because I am worthy and deserving of all the things I want. If you want to know why, it's because I've come to recognize my sweet spot, my goodness and it's deserving to be praised. So today I decided to speak my mind and let my voice be heard because regardless of all the bad that has happened to me that has kept me quiet, my thoughts are coming from a special place that's all good. Today I start on my new journey to speak freely and effortlessly. Writing is apart of my voice and always will be, but today I will use my voice that comes out of my vocal chords. Yes, my voice is the Power that is required to create positive change!

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