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Zombie Awakening Chapter 1 Where were you on the day of the storm. You know the one I mean. No one will ever forget. I was at school. My friend Harry was mocking my comic. Speed arrow. Goodbye Stan lee here comes £^>+~ $|%*=,. RUN/&6:&7 GO (!2&.):' RUN. The alarm screeched. The floor froze and the windows shattered. The electrics stopped and the sky turned black. Rain hit the earth in an endless battle of the elements. Harry panicked and ran. I never knew that this would be the end of our friendship. The rain turned red and people screamed. That's when it hit. The Lightning smashed the school and the fires roared from the kitchen. I ran. No where. Just away. That's when I saw it. I haven't seen any others but I saw it. The man clawed through the floor his eyes red with rage. Blood ran out his mouth. His face was rotting. A zombie. I will see another... I just know it... 6 months later... I lie on my trash bed. I haven't seen anyone from before the collection. The collection happened 2 months after the storm. The White vans drove into the hall chasing this dump truck. Blood leaked out its fuel tank. Everyone in the hall had weapons. Mine were 3 knifes and a sling shot. My friend Peter had found a gun and a sack of bombs. 10 to be exact. We hadn't used them before but we knew that this chase was the first time. Peter threw a bomb at the truck. Bang! Battle over. The men in black suits left the vans and walked towards the truck. One came straight towards me. I stood still as a wall. The mans blue eyes seemed to scan me. I didn't know what was happening when his friends grabbed my arms and legs and stuck a needle in my head. The only thing I did was scream as I slowly lost consciousness... Ten others from my group were chosen for the operations training camp. Peter wasn't. I saw him on a mission. A mission to stop a terrorist from killing the president. Yes the world was the same. Some geniuses were fixing the electronics. But this was not a happy moment... Peter held a gun at the presidents face. Never knew I was there. A bullet ended him. Ever since that night I thought I was prepared for anything. Then Zombie began... Chapter 2 Coming soon... In Zombie: after the storm...

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