Translate   10 years ago

The Magical Wall Mural The Jackson family decided to move house , first thing because their old house was very small , second thing because their 12 year old son (Zak ) wanted a room separate from his brother and sister ( Ben and rose) , and he wanted to decorate it the way he likes , instead of arguing with his brother for the things that he put on the room walls everyday ( vintage car posters racing drivers and cars pictures ),and he'd put his car toys everywhere ,keeping the room untidy ... unlike his sister rose , she was the princess of the house he loved her to bits so she had the right to put her toys everywhere in the room they were dolls and small pets toys but zak never use to complain from his sister , and he thinks she is the cutest child in the hole world. jackson's father ( wass ) had to save a lots of money to buy the house , and yet he bought the house , a house that everybody dreamt about ,a five bedroom house , so everyone is getting his own room .. "Every one is going to be happy with his own room " DAD SAID "YES YES YES ... " says Zak taking his big box of science and maths books out of his Dad big van , running very fast inside the house , knowing exactly where his lovely , clean , brand new room is... I want the room that has a BATHROOM like this it won't be difficult for me in case of emergencies ..!! "Says the nine year old Ben " laughing with happiness "You can choose witch ever room you want , as long as you leave the big one for me and your dad " MOM SAID OKKKK ,....answered. Ben Rose was a very simple girl , she was happy with anything she'd get , but her older brother Zak chose for her the room that's opposite his room in the Second story , like this he will keep an eye on her and. Look after her of course, So Ben began his decorations process by getting all his toy cars and cars anposters and racing drivers and racing tracks and his dads racing trophies

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