Translate   10 years ago

THE SHACK ACROSS THE ROAD It all started on that Friday night the 22nd as I mounted into bed and scrambled under the warm cozy sheets of my unused bed since 5 years ago the bed had dust and dirt all over the covers as if a bomb had gone off and left all the access from the ground. It was hard to come back after so many years with out my parents. I can still feel mums cold hand as she felt my warm cheeks. It's going to be hard growing up at 13 years of age with no family. As I lay within the sheets clenching my fist, tears start to pour down my eyes and burn like acid I scream as if I am crazy but no one comes and once again I remember I am abandoned. I scream again just to see if I wasn't dreaming all that time and they are still here, still alive, still family but there was no sound accept the echo of my own voice. That was when it started when my #life started to end this is why I live in shame, this is why I tremble day in day out. The year when the shack became visible. I start to fall into a deep sleep while the night continues but just as I get over the fear of being a lone suddenly I hear a slight sound of knocking and voices in my head "Florence Florence FLORENCE" there calling my name the voices get louder and there is nothing I can do "Florence, Florence, FLORENCE" "What" I yell "what do you want from me" I scream anxiously. The voice disappears but the knocking continues this time the knocking isn't in my head. I am to terrified to get up but I go against my will and do it anyway I grab the torch and head over to the lamp. I grab the cord of the lamp and pull it down so it lights up but it made it worse the knocking gets louder and the voices come back "OPEN IT OPEN IT OPEN IT" the voices scream in my head the pain of the high frequent noises are deafening like a bomb. I decide not to open the door and I head up the stairs. I have never run so fast in my #life. I think it's better to stay alert, unseen and upstairs, I was never meant to survive this long. I am thankful of my profound father for showing me the way. I always wondered what I would do with out my parents and now the time has come I am still curious but in an anxious terrified way. The night becomes day, the#moonbecomes sun. I look out the balcony window to the left and I am shocked I thought we were alone, I thought I was alone. "That can't be right" I mumble to myself. There is a rotted lone shack across the road but it wasn't there three years ago, I had the suspicious feeling I was being watched. I needed food but it would be to risky if I was to be seen but I start to feel weak so it was a risk I was willing to take that I may regret. I head down stairs and quickly hide behind the counter. I saw something out side like a movement of a shadow my heart is racing and I feel unsafe "I want my family" I scream a bit too loudly. "I want the same thing" a little voice stated, it sounded exactly like dad's voice accept younger much younger. "Hello?" I say back to the little voice. There was a pause and the voice said nothing I waited there till I knew it was safe, I waited until the voice said something back. "My name is Wilhelm" said the small voice. Then a boy appeared from the shadows "I don't mean to scare you" the boy was shaking in fear as if he was scared. What is he doing here why is he here, and why is he alone. The boy looked at me and I stared right back at him the boy looked like he was 5 or 6 there was a feeling in me that I had known him all my #life but that would be impossible. "What's your name?" Wilhelm asked "" I mumbled "Florence what?" Wilhelm asked with a chuckle "Florence Walter......" Wilhelm was shocked as if he'd never heard the name Walter before, Wilhelm starred straight at me and started to mumble. "" My head was hurting in confusion first he comes in to my house and now he doesn't believe my last name. "What's a matter" I questioned him "Walter? Is that correct" Wilhelm said with a curious look on his face. "Yes I would know it is MY last name" I stated strongly. "I like that last name, seeing as my name is Wilhelm Walter" Wilhelm looked away and then straight at me. I couldn't breath its impossible do I really have a 5 year old brother?. "This is my house.... Mum said so" Wilhelm included. It's my house to I definitely know that but it's mine and his and my last name is Walter and so is his...... That can only mean one thing. I grab him by the arm and give him a massive hug I can feel his small arms wrapped around my waist and how it feels so good to hug a little brother. "How come I never knew about you?. I asked politely "Mum......." Wilhelm didn't finish i look down and think it's better not to do this now. "Never mind...... We have some catching up to do!" I smile at him in way just to say I am so happy to have you here. I lift him onto my back and walk down the hall into a smaller room that was just for him "I knew she was going to have another one" I say in excitement "but I never thought we would meet like this" I look down with a frown on my face. "That's okay we are here now" Wilhelm said positively. He should get some sleep seeing as he has come along way all on his own and only 5. "Nap time?" I asked Wilhelm "of course" Wilhelm looked very exhausted. I walk into the room and sit Wilhelm onto a bed I didn't let him go under the sheets it was to hot for that, I kiss him on the fore head and watch him droop off to sleep. As I walk to arch way of the door I look back at him and wonder how this all started. I turn forward and take a deep breath how is this possible, what could have gone so wrong for my father that they deserve the pain they went through and how on earth did she have a baby so quick after I left. I drift past the corridor way into the kitchen and slide up around the stairs I stop to look across at the shack . This shack has left and still leaves so many questions in my mind, does someone live there. Is it a trap if it is trap why and for who, questions spin and spin around in my head I start to feel dizzy and neatly hop onto my bed. As i lay on my bed I look up at the celling, and the irksome voices in my head once again come back. This time it wasn't my name they were screaming "Wilhelm, Wilhelm, Wilhelm" I fall of my bed and try to scatter to my feet I run down the corridor into Wilhelm's room. He was as pale as I ghost and was coughing louder than I could imagine "Wilhelm" the voices say once more. I am only 13 how will I know what to do. I sit Wilhelm up "are you okay" I asked even though I know he's not "it hurts, it hurts" he cries in pain "what hurts Wilhelm? What" I start to sweat and feel for my younger brother "my throat" Wilhelm stops talking "Wilhelm I am going to help you I will get you some medicine I want you to stay in bed and unseen, you understand?" I say to Wilhelm in a deep tone. "I will be back okay Wilhelm" I run to the front door and grab my old coat and gum boots. I slowly run through the branches and spider webs but try to keep a close eye out for anyone dangerous. The market is 6km away I won't be able to get there in time. An idea comes to mind and I run up quickly to the foot path. Horse and carriages come up here all the time. I hide my face and ask the man that stops in front of me for a ride to the nearest market. That's when I see a brown bag with a rope wrapped around it and when I remember I have no money. I jump on to the back of the carriage and reach for the bag I slowly put it into my coat so the man doesn't hear the slight jingling of the coins and realise I have stolen it. Twenty minutes later the man comes to haunt and says he can't go any further I thank the man and jump of the carriage still with out showing my face. I run into the forest as quick as I can and keep on heading to the market. I stop at a brick wall and enter a town full of shops. The first shop I see has a Red Cross on the top. "That must be it" I whisper to myself I scavenge through the town and into the stall. An old lady catches my eye behind the counter and asked "what are you looking for darling" "medicine.... I am looking for medicine" the old lady looks at me "what sort?" She sakes kindly "something that can cure a pale face, a bad cough, sore throat and a high temperature" I say to her "sounds like influenza......." Influenza what's that? It must be some sort of flu "take this...... Oh and Florence get out of here because they are coming for you" I widen my eyes in shock and run out of the stall as I am running I think to my self how does she know my name, who are they, why was she helping me and what's going on. I eventually make it back to the path and jump onto another carriage making it so the man driving the carriage doesn't know I hoped on and also so the people after me can't follow my tracks. I make sure the man knows nothing about me on the back of the carriage just In case, he might know who I am. I get to the corner of the track and jump of again I run into the forest and through the bushes and before I pass the shack I have a good long look at it until a cough interrupts I run to the house and hang up my coat and gumboots. I run down the corridor into Wilhelm's room "everything's going to be okay I am here now" I grab the medicine and the small cup I pour five miles of the pink syrup into the small cup "take this" I say to Wilhelm "it will help" Wilhelm grabs the small cup and slowly dissolves the syrup down is throat. "Get some rest Wilhelm " I say to Wilhelm "mum used to call me will" Wilhelm said In a croaky voice "okay....but get some rest......will" I smile at will and then work out of the room down the corridor and upstairs "call if you need anything" I yell back to Wilhelm as I walk up the stairs. I reach the top of the stair case and cast my eyes over to the bed. As I draw myself closer to the bed the more and more my head hurts. I sit on my bed and just look at my lap, a droplet of water falls from my cheek on to my hands my eyes are filled with water as big as an ocean more and more tears fall into my hands. I am a mess. I look out the window and shivers run down my spine the shack is gone. Wanxiously "what do you want from me"

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