The One Way To Say Goodbye... part 1 Once upon a time, There was a unicorn named Duke. Duke was a handsome brown color. He roamed the land looking for a beautiful wife. He dreamed of the perfect one every night. He was stranded on an Island that was a punishment for his last bride. His last bride was Poseidon's servant. She was a stormy gray horse. He banished me to the island of Delos. I got off with a raft when Zeus felt bad. I am under his command. He one day fired me and now I am free. Today was probably going to be the same luck as yesterday. I forgot to mention Zeus put me back on Delos. A golden light came down from the heavens with the Pony that Duke dreamed of. He saw her picking flowers. She was Beautiful. She saw me staring. "What?" "You are beautiful. That's it." "Do think I am meant to marry you?" "Yeah," I said. "I have a wedding right now ." "To whom?" She said a pony. "That stinks." "Yeah ,I know." "Follow me." She followed me to a fort. My fort. " Aphrodite is looking for me." She left. Zeus came from the clouds, "You are my servant." H obviously liked Aphrodite.

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