The End Is Just The beginning.... Have you ever wondered how close the end is? Because no one can know not the scientists, the teachers, the weather people; no one can define how or why the end is accept For the creator of the start him self, God our father. Some may think luck decides our fate as in first in best dressed will get everything, but if you ask your self this very question is that really what you believe because if you don't want to do something you can do it because it's only you that can decide what you are thinking, what you are feeling. Only you can distinguish your fate, your future, your everything. I am writing this story to prove that God isn't a myth, a made up kids story and you might be right because nobody knows who he is because we have a choice who we believe in. I can't change your Mind but I may be able to persuade you so here it goes.... It all started before Christ when people lived in sin, shame and doubt that #life was nothing more than hard work and sin. One day God was fed up with the sin and disgusting dishonour so he sent his only son done to earth in a human form exactly like what he would have looked like. His name was Jesus....... More comming soon.....