dream He sat on his bed, looking out his large bay window. He watched the waves lap onto the shore repeatedly, while tapping his index finger on his thigh. He thought of the most beautiful girl in the world, though he wasn't sure who she was. He just.. dreamed. He dreamed of this girl, with long brown hair and pale blue eyes. She was a quiet, artsy girl, who's shyness made him smile. She had a habit of running her fingers through her hair. It might have been a nervous habit, but he wasn't quite sure. Whatever type of habit it was, it was cute. She was insecure, but he secretly thought she had nothing to worry about. Because every single flaw she had was perfect, in his eyes. There were so many things about her that he absolutely adored. She was amazing.. Yet a dream. He finally decided to get up and go outside to the shore. He put a navy blue hoodie on, and didn't bother putting on shoes. He walked with his feet in the wet sand, breathing in the salty night air. He put his hands in his pockets and looked at the dark horizon. Then, he accidentally bumped into someone. A pretty girl, wearing a brown sweater and cuffed jeans. She ran her fingers through her long brown hair, and shyly looked at him with pale blue eyes. They ended up walking on the beach, and talking. She was so open, and so was he. They talked late into the night. He looked into her eyes that were sprinkled with the stars. She nervously ran her fingers through her long brown hair. "So, what brings you here this late?" he said, trying to create a conversation. "It's calming. I come out here a lot at night. The salty air, the sound of waves lapping onto the shore.. I like it." she paused and looked at him. "Why are you here?" He drew in a long breath and said, "I come out here a lot too, but I also spend too much time thinking and looking out my window and this place. Tonight, I just.. had to get out." he looked forward, and suddenly realized they had begun walking. They talked the whole night. They talked openly and easily, because for the both of them, something just felt.. right. At 2:56AM, he nervously asked if they could meet again the next night. She smiled and agreed. They parted ways. As he was walking home, the image of her in the low light, occasionally glancing up at the stars, kept floating in his mind. She was.. beautiful. Her pale blue eyes, her long brown hair. She was perfect. He arrived at his house. A thought crossed his mind, which he pondered. She was the exact image of the girl in his dreams.. He climbed up the ladder to his huge bay window. He put many blankets on his giant window sill, and three pillows. He curled into his blankets, and stared out at where he and the most beautiful girl had walked. He whispered, "I'll see you in my dreams." and closed his eyes. -Forrest
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