My head was resting on my hands, my legs tapped the ground and kept thinking what would happen to Connor. I stood up and walked through the hallway with words echoing around my head, time felt like it had slowed down and i was walking so slow. I holded my head tight to block out the noises that felt like i was in a torture chamber, seconds later the noises began to fade out and my body fell to the ground. A couple of hours later my eyes opened up, i found myself on a chair, tied up and surrounded by 4 males. I looked up at the men who were holding .45 handguns. "What the f-..Ay! Let me go!" I shouted. One of the man swinged his fist at my jaw that pushed my head back, i groaned and slowly lifted my head back up. "Don, we have caught one of them Zens." Says one of the men. Footsteps tapped the floor and it got closer to us. "Everyday, these Zens are causing problems for us Ubranos... Now we got another one and this time i have to get my hands dirty." Says the Don. The Don walked over to the stand of Kantanas and faced me. "We'll send a message to the Zens, it'll be gruesome, scary, shocking... The words i love." He says as he turns around taking out a Golden Kantana that made a 'SHING' noise. "This... Is the last seconds of your #life, got any last words? He asks. "Zentianos will get you for this" I said, he slowly stands up in a upright position and launches a kick to my chest causing me and the chair to fall back, i was still on the chair but on the ground. The Don grips his Kanana with two hands and was ready to cut my head off. Out of nowhere, a man comes in running screaming: "DON! DON! There's a man in the building, he's already killed 20 of our men!" He shouts, Don turns around with an arched eyebrow. "What are you looking at!? GO KILL HIM!" Shouts Don and turns around to me; "I'll deal with you later" he says as he walks out. I sighed in relief and didn't waste one second of thinking how to get out of here, i rolled over with the chair still tied to me, luckily i was able to brake the arms of the chair and become free from it. I stood up and walked towards the window. "Woah... Shit im very high up" i said as i realised i was inside of a skyscraper. I turned my head towards the table and noticed a shining silver revolver and a MAC-10, i walked towards the guns and picked up the revolver. My eyes ran down the gun and a smile grew on my face. Part 12 Coming soon.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
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  • En colère