The Spirits Of Death And Evil... Part 1 Here I am Dying, Zyla Ning dying. Those words don't sound right together do they? A deadly dagger into my torso that made me fall to my death. Eric Piercer was ordered to hunt me down. He found me fighting to the death with Hades himself. When I won Eric stabbed me with his dagger. I stumbled off the hill into the voids of who-knows-where. I have been falling for what seems as forever, but crazily it has only been 10 minutes.I closed my eyes for the last time. When I did I saw Zola, Finnick, Merl, and Autumn dying my hands. Zola was twin sister, but she died when Poseidon turned against Athena for a third time. She died when Poseidon drowned Athens. Zola was helping bold the Temple of Athena and the water drowned her and the Temple. Finnick died because he was bitten by a Basilisk when in the Sandy Doon. Merl was killed by Aphrodite when rumor had it her own daughter was hotter. She killed Merl by a mirror curse. Hecate agreed to curse a mirror so when Merl looked in it she aged to an old wrinkled lady then died. Autumn never died, Hecate cursed to follow me around as a spirit mentor. When I was hurt she encouraged my Echo to get up and kill. Right now she was trying to lift me to the sky. I told her to drop me, but she didn't I yelled. I had never done that before . She dropped me to the sea. Where my body dropped on a rock. Dead as I saw it. I woke up. I wasn't dead! Apparently Autumn caught me and lied me in a stretcher and took me to a healer. Hunter Shields. He had red hair, armor, and eyes so blue and gray they will melt your heart. " You have a bad wound there." "I know, I got stabbed." " Eat this." "What is it?" "No matter." My eyelids drooped

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